Apologies if you receive multiple copies of this same call. ============================================================= CALL FOR PAPERS
WORKSHOP ON UNCERTAINTY AND FUZZINESS IN CASE-BASED REASONING ============================================================= taking place on Sep 5, 2006, as part of ECCBR 2006 - 8TH EUROPEAN CONFERENCE ON CASE-BASED REASONING Ölüdeniz/Fethiye, Turkey As a general problem solving methodology intended to cover a wide range of real-world applications, case-based reasoning must face the challenge to deal with uncertain, incomplete, and vague information. Correspondingly, recent years have witnessed an increased interest in formalizing parts of the CBR methodology within different frameworks of reasoning under uncertainty, and in building hybrid approaches by combining CBR with methods of uncertain and approximate reasoning. Fuzzy set theory can be mentioned as a particular though especially interesting example. In fact, even though both CBR and fuzzy systems are intended as cognitively more plausible approaches to reasoning and problem solving, the two corresponding fields have emphasized different aspects that can complement each other in a reasonable way. In particular, rule-based fuzzy systems and CBR systems can cross- fertilize each other in various ways. Besides, fuzzy methods turned out to be very useful for knowledge representation in CBR. The objective of the workshop is to provide an opportunity for exchanging ideas related to the application of uncertainty techniques in case-based reasoning. The workshop aims at providing a forum for the discussion of recent advances in this research field and to offer an opportunity for researchers and practitioners to identify new promising research directions. The organizers welcome contributions on the use of principled methods for reasoning under uncertainty such as, e.g., - probabilistic and Bayesian methods, - fuzzy sets and fuzzy logic, - possibility theory, - evidence theory, - rough set theory, - information theory, in case-based reasoning, including but not limited to - case and knowledge representation, acquisition, and modeling, - maintenance and management of CBR systems, - case indexing and retrieval, - similarity assessment and adaptation, - instance-based and case-based learning, - CBR applications. We encourage submissions of papers that report on advances in these core areas, as well as those dealing with insights or important open problems for future research derived from the construction and use of applications. SUBMISSION INSTRUCTIONS ----------------------- Two types of contributions will be accepted: full papers contributing original research results and extended abstracts outlining relevant research activities, insights derived from applications or research projects, challenges for future research, etc. Both types of papers MUST be submitted in Springer LNCS format, with a maximum of 10 pages for full papers and 2 pages for extended abstracts. Authors' instructions along with LaTeX and Word macro files are available on the web at http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/authors.html. Papers should be submitted in pdf format to the following email address: [EMAIL PROTECTED] IMPORTANT DATES --------------- May 15, 2006 Deadline for workshop paper submission Jun 16, 2006 Notification of acceptance for workshop papers Jul 14, 2006 Final camera ready copies due Sep 5, 2006 Workshops held at ECCBR 2006 WORKSHOP CHAIRS --------------- Eyke Hüllermeier Dept. of Computer Science, University of Magdeburg, Germany [EMAIL PROTECTED] Michael Richter Dept. of Computer Science, University of Calgary, Canada [EMAIL PROTECTED] Rosina Weber The iSchool at Drexel, Philadelphia, USA [EMAIL PROTECTED] WORKSHOP COMMITTEE ------------------ William Cheetham, GE CRD, US Tharam S. Dillon, La Trobe University, Australia Eyke Hüllermeier, University of Magdeburg, Germany Ramon Lopez de Mantaras, CSIC, Spain Julie Main, La Trobe University, Australia Sankar K. Pal, Indian Statistical Institute, India Henri Prade, IRIT/CNRS, Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, France Michael Richter, University of Calgary, Canada Simon C.K. Shiu, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, China Rosina Weber, Drexel University, US Ronald R. Yager, Iona College, USA For further information, please visit the workshop website at http://wwwiti.cs.uni-magdeburg.de/iti_dke/events/WS_UFCBR.html or contact one of the workshop co-chairs. _______________________________________________ uai mailing list uai@ENGR.ORST.EDU https://secure.engr.oregonstate.edu/mailman/listinfo/uai