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                  * C A L L    F O R    P A P E R S *

The Sixth International Conference on Simulated Evolution And Learning 
                15-18 October 2006, Hefei, Anhui, China

Hosted and Sponsored by 
        Nature Inspired Computation and Applications Laboratory (NICAL)
        Department of Computer Science and Technology
        University of Science and Technology of China
        Hefei, Anhui 230027, China


Evolution and learning are two fundamental forms of adaptation. SEAL'06
is the sixth biennial conference in the highly successful series that
aims at exploring these two forms of adaptation and their roles and
interactions in adaptive systems. Cross-fertilisation between
evolutionarylearning and other machine learning approaches, such as
neural network learning, reinforcement learning, decision tree learning,
fuzzy system learning, etc., will be strongly encouraged by the
conference. The other major theme of the conference is optimisation by
evolutionary and other nature inspired approaches. The topics of
interest to this conference include but are not limited to the

1. Evolutionary Learning

Fundamental Issues in Evolutionary Learning             Co-Evolutionary
Modular Evolutionary Learning Systems                   Classifier
Representation Issues in Evolutionary Learning          Artificial
Immune Systems
Interactions Between Learning and Evolution             Credit
Swarm Intelligence                                      Collective
Comparison between Evolutionary Learning and Other      Learning

2. Evolutionary Optimisation

Combinatorial Optimisation
Numerical/Function Optimisation
(e.g., scheduling, allocation, planning,                Hybrid
Optimisation Algorithms
packing, transportation, etc.)                           Comparison of
Nature-Inspired Algorithms (ant colony optimisation, particle swarm
optimisation, memetic algorithms, simulated annealing, ...)

3. Hybrid Learning

Evolutionary Artificial Neural Networks      Evolutionary Fuzzy Systems
Evolutionary Reinforcement Learning          Evolutionary Clustering
Evolutionary Decision Tree Learning          Evolutionary Unsupervised
Genetic Programming                          Other Hybrid Learning
Developmental Processes

4. Adaptive Systems

Complexity in Adaptive Systems               Evolutionary Robotics
Evolvable Hardware and Software              Artificial Ecology
Evolutionary Games                           Self-Repairing Systems
Evolutionary Computation Techniques in Economics, Finance and Marketing

5. Theoretical Issues in Evolutionary Computation 

Convergence and Convergence Rate of Evolutionary Algorithms
Computational Complexity of Evolutionary Algorithms Self-Adaptation in
Evolutionary Algorithms

6. Real-World Applications of Evolutionary Computation Techniques


Professor Karl Sigmund, University of Vienna, Austria
Professor Zbigniew Michalewicz, University of Adelaide, Australia
Professor Han La Poutre, Centrum voor Wiskunde en Informatica,
Netherlands Professor Gary Yen, Oklahoma State University, USA


21 April 2006       Deadline for submission of full papers (<=8 pages)
19 June 2006        Notification of acceptance
14 July 2006        Deadline for camera-ready copies of accepted papers
15-18 October 2006  Conference sessions (including tutorials and


All manuscripts must be prepared in LaTeX according to Springer's 
llncs style (URL: It is absolutely
essential that you follow the instructions there. Each submitted paper 
must include a title, an abstract, a list of keywords, the names and 
addresses of all authors (including email addresses), and the body. 
The length of submitted papers must be no more 
than 8 single-spaced, single-column pages including all figures, tables 
and bibliography. Shorter papers are strongly encouraged.
All papers must be submitted electronically via the conference website. 
Papers submitted via other means will not be considered.


All accepted papers which are presented at the conference will be
included in the conference proceedings, published by Springer in their
Lecture Notes in Computer Science series. The best papers will be
invited to further revise and extend their work to one of the following
prestigious journal special issues: 
Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines (Springer), Connection
(Taylor and Francis), International Journal of Computational
and Applications (World Scientific), and Journal of Computer Science and

Technology (Springer and China Computer Federation).


Special sessions and tutorials will be organised at the conference. The
conference is calling for special session and tutorial proposals. 
The tutorials will be offered on 15 October 2006 (subject to sufficient
number of registrations).


General Chairs: Guo-Liang Chen (China) and Xin Yao (UK)

Programme Chairs: Xufa Wang (China) and Shu-Heng Chen (Taiwan)

Technical Co-Chairs:

Tzai-Der Wang (Taiwan)
Hussein Abbass (Australia)
Hitoshi Iba (Japan)
Zengqi Sun (China)
Bob McKay (South Korea)

Tutorials and Special Sessions Chair: Xiaodong Li (Australia)

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