Would it be possible to put the following Final Call for Papers 
on the Mailing List ?

Thanks, Gabor Lugosi and Hans Simon (PC co-chairs).


[Apologies to multiple recipients of this announcement ]

                    FINAL CALL FOR PAPERS

        The 19th Annual Conference on Learning Theory
     Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
                    June 22 - 25, 2006
              (In co-location with ICML 2006)

The 19th Annual COLT (Conference on Learning Theory, formerly 
Workshop on Computational Learning Theory) will be held
in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA, June 22-25, 2006.

We invite submissions of papers addressing the theoretical
modeling and analysis of all aspects of learning and empirical
inference. We strongly support a broad definition of learning
theory, including:

* Analysis of learning algorithms and their generalization ability
* Computational complexity of learning
* Bayesian analysis
* Statistical mechanics of learning systems
* Optimization procedures for learning
* Inductive inference
* Boolean function learning
* Inductive logic programming
* Unsupervised and semi-supervised learning
* On-line learning and relative loss bounds
* Learning in planning and control (including reinforcement learning)
* Mathematical analysis of learning in related fields (e.g. game
  theory, neuroscience)

We welcome theoretical papers about learning that do not fit into
the above categories. We are particularly interested in papers
that include viewpoints that are new to the COLT community. While
the primary focus of the conference is theoretical, papers can be
strengthened by the inclusion of relevant experimental results. We
also welcome experimental and algorithmic papers provided they are
relevant to the focus of the conference by elucidating theoretical
results in learning.

All papers will appear in the proceedings, to be published in the
Springer Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence series. The
proceedings will appear both as a printed book and in a full-text
electronic version, thus we require electronic submissions. Papers
that have previously appeared in journals or at other conferences,
or that are being submitted to other conferences are not
appropriate for COLT.

PAPER FORMAT: Submissions should include the title, authors'
names, postal and email addresses, and a 200-word summary of the
paper suitable for the conference program. They should be no
longer than 15 pages using the Springer LNCS style file (see
http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/authors.html). Your paper should
include a clear definition of the theoretical model used and a
clear description of the results, as well as a discussion of their
significance, including comparison to other work. Submit papers
electronically in pdf or ps format (for details see conference

While it is not expected that all full proofs can be included in
the paper, authors should strive to at least present partial
proofs which will enable the reviewers to understand the main
ideas and methods used. The paper should also attempt to be as
self-contained as possible.

OPEN PROBLEMS SESSION: We also invite submission of open problems
(see separate call). These should be constrained to two pages
using the same formatting as for the full papers. There is a
shorter reviewing period for the open problems. Accepted
contributions will be allocated short presentation slots in a
special open problems session and will be allowed two pages each
in the proceedings.

ELECTRONIC SUBMISSION INSTRUCTIONS: Will become available in early
December at http://learningtheory.org/colt2006                        

Gabor Lugosi (Pompeu Fabra University) and Hans Ulrich Simon (Ruhr University 

Peter Auer (University of Leoben), 
Peter Bartlett (UC Berkeley), 
Leon Bottou (NEC Laboratories America),
Nicolo Cesa-Bianchi (Università degli Studi di Milano),
Koby Crammer (University of Pennsylvania), 
Yoav Freund (UC, San Diego),
Claudio Gentile (Universita' dell'Insubria, Varese), 
Lisa Hellerstein (Polytechnic University, Brooklyn, NY),
Ralf Herbrich (Microsoft Research Cambridge), 
Sham M. Kakade (Toyota Technology Institute), 
Ravi Kannan (Yale University), 
Jyrki Kivinen (University of Helsinki),
Shie Mannor (McGill University), 
Shahar Mendelson (The Australian National University and Technion, I.I.T.),
Massimiliano Pontil (University College London), 
Dan Roth (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign),
Alex Smola (National ICT Australia),
Ingo Steinwart Los Alamos National Laboratory), 
Christino Tamon (Clarkson University), 
Santosh Vempala (MIT),
Ulrike von Luxburg (Fraunhofer IPSI), 
Vladimir Vovk (Royal Holloway), 
Thomas Zeugmann (Hokkaido University), 
Tong Zhang (Yahoo) 

LOCAL ARRANGEMENTS CHAIR: Avrim Blum (Carnegie Mellon University)

OPEN PROBLEMS CO-CHAIRS: Shai Ben-David (University of Waterloo) and Phil Long 

MARK FULK AWARD: This award is for the best paper authored or
coauthored by a student. Eligible authors who wish to be
considered for this prize should indicate this on their
submission's title page.

INVITED SPEAKERS: Luc Devroye (McGill University), 
  Gyorgy Turan (University of Illinois at Chicago and University of Szeged)
  Vladimir Vovk (Royal Holloway) 

  Electronic submission of papers                     January 21, 2006
  Notification of acceptance or rejection             March 10, 2006
  Electronic submission of two-page open problems     March 15, 2006
  Final submission of all papers (incl. LaTex files)  March 25, 2006
  Conference dates                                    June 22-25, 2006

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