I'm familiar with the frequentist/Bayesian debate. In my view, Bayesian
estimation is only useful for regularization, which is only necessary when
you have a small amount of data, or the parameter optimization is
underdetermined or multimodal. The goal is always to estimate the
(parameters of the) distribution of the phenomenon of interest, or to make a
decision (optimize some function of random quantities) with prior estimates
on the relevant distributions. It is my understanding that Bayesians also
believe in fixed distributions for given phenomena. It's simply the case
that the true parameters are unknown and must be estimated from limited
data. It's not the case that the distribution is in some nebulous state with
the parameters assuming new values with each realization. Having imprecise
knowledge about probabilities is different from having imprecise
probabilities, whatever the latter may be defined to be.

The main point I wanted to make, which got lost in the preliminary
philosophical commentary, was that it doesn't make sense to specify a
probability distribution individually for each probability in a discrete
distribution. If you want to regularize your estimate of the discrete
distribution in some way, then you can put a prior on the set of discrete
values, e.g. requiring adjacent probabilities to be close in value. But you
can't put priors on the individual probabilities without regard for the
joint distribution, since the marginal distributions of the probablilities
must be consistent with the fact that each realization of the set must sum
to 1.


-----Original Message-----
From: Arvey, Aaron [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, November 17, 2005 10:12 AM
To: Jason Palmer; Lotfi Zadeh; uai@engr.orst.edu
Subject: RE: [UAI] Imprecise Probabilities--A simple and yet
computationallynontrivial problem

See below for response.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of Jason Palmer
> Sent: Mon 11/14/2005 3:42 AM
> To: Lotfi Zadeh; uai@engr.orst.edu
> Subject: Re: [UAI] Imprecise Probabilities--A simple and yet
computationallynontrivial problem
> Dear Prof. Zadeh (and others),
> My view is that the notion of imprecise probabilities is not
> It seems that you are imagining something like, before the experiment is
> performed, the probability distribution is drawn randomly from some set
> distributions, then the experiment is performed based on that
> distribution.
> But it seems to me that these intermediary "probabilities" aren't really
> probabilities then, they are model parameters. There will still be a
> distribution over the values of the outcome of the experiment, which in
> your model is found by marginalizing over the "random probabilities".
> To me, the essence of probability is that some event occurs according to
> fixed distribution. A probability distribution can't apply to only one
> experiment. Whatever event that is being observed either will or will
> occur with some stationary distribution. If it does have a distribution,
> then it is impossible to distinguish any particular generating sequence
> random variables. Any model that yields that final distribution when
> marginalized is possible. You might be able to talk about the
> evolving in time.

Perhaps the misunderstanding is in (somewhat philosophical)
statistics.  A Frequentist statistician (A Frequentist) would
likely agree with you and say that a maximum likelihood point
estimate should be used.  However, a Bayesian statistician
(A Bayesian) would likely state that parameters to a model
should also be modeled probabilistically if they are unknown.
In the distant past, mathematical Bayesians were mocked for
their impreciseness; however, the Bayesian view has now been
largely accepted in both the mathematical statistics community
as well as in the computational community.

A cursory google search for "comparison of bayesian and frequentist"
turned up the following link to a presentation by a statistician


I hope that this has shed some light on the situation.



-----Original Message-----
Behalf Of Lotfi Zadeh
Sent: Wednesday, November 09, 2005 5:15 PM
Subject: [UAI] Imprecise Probabilities--A simple and yet computationally
nontrivial problem

         Most real-world probabilities are imprecise. For this reason, as
move further into the age of machine intelligence and mechanized
decision-making, the problem of how to deal with imprecise probabilities
certain to grow in visibility and importance.

         A major contribution to the theory of imprecise probabilities was
Peter Walley's 1991 book "Statistical Reasoning with Imprecise
Probabilities," London: Chapman and Hall. Since then, considerable
has been made. And yet, what is obvious is that the problem of computation
with imprecise probabilities is intrinsically complex and far from
definitive solution.

         As a case in point, I posted to the UAI list (September 22, 2005)
seemingly simple problem which does not have a simple solution. In the
following, a broadened version of the problem is presented. The simplest
version is Problem (a). My perception is that even this simple problem is
computationally nontrivial. Do you have a simple solution? Do you have any
solutions to Problems (b), (c) and (d)?

         X and Y are random variables taking values in the set (1, 2,
...,n). The entries in the joint probability matrix, P, are of the form
"approximately aij," where the aij take values in the unit interval and
up to unity. What is the marginal probability distribution of X? Four
special cases: (a) "approximately aij," is interpreted as an interval
centering on aij; (b) "approximately aij," is interpreted as a triangular
fuzzy number centering on aij; (c) "approximately aij," is interpreted as
uniform probability distribution over an interval centering on aij; and
"approximatelt aij," is interpreted as a triangular probability density
function centering on aij.

                   With warm regards to all


Lotfi A. Zadeh
Professor in the Graduate School, Computer Science Division
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences
University of California
Berkeley, CA 94720 -1776
Director, Berkeley Initiative in Soft Computing (BISC)


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