With apologies for multiple copies:

                                        Call for Papers
                        Special Track on Uncertain Reasoning

                The 19th International FLAIRS Conference FLAIRS-2006
        In cooperation with The American Association for Artificial Intelligence

                        Crowne Plaza - Melbourne Oceanfront
                        Melbourne Beach, Florida
                        May 11-13, 2006

The capability of reasoning with uncertain and/or incomplete information is a crucial
feature both of human and machine intelligence. The Special Track on Uncertain Reasoning
at the Nineteenth International Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Symposium (FLAIRS)
Conference seeks to bring together researchers working on broad issues related to
reasoning under uncertainty. This track was started in 1996 and has become an annual
event at FLAIRS. In 2003 the track was merged with the Special Track on Imprecise and
Indeterminate Probabilities.

Papers on all aspects of uncertain reasoning and imprecise probabilities are solicited.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

* Uncertain reasoning formalisms, calculi and methodologies
* Reasoning with probability, possibility, fuzzy logic, belief functions,
  argumentation, rough sets, and probability logics
* Modelling and reasoning using imprecise and indeterminate information,
* using for instance: Choquet capacities, comparative orderings, convex sets of measures,
  and interval-valued probabilities
* Exact, approximate and qualitative uncertain reasoning
* Nonmonotonic reasoning and belief revision
* Uncertain reasoning and databases, uncertain reasoning in Web Intelligence
* Multi-agent uncertain reasoning and decision making
* Decision-theoretic planning and Markov decision process
* Temporal reasoning and uncertainty
* Construction of models from elicitation, data mining and knowledge discovery
* Uncertain reasoning in information retrieval, filtering, fusion, diagnosis,
  prediction, and situation assessment
* Practical applications of uncertain reasoning

Paper Submission and Publication
Paper format and submission details are available at

Papers will be refereed and all accepted papers will appear in the
conference proceedings which will be published by AAAI Press.

We will be arranging a special issue devoted to extended and revised papers selected from the special
track on uncertain reasoning.

Invited Speakers of FLAIRS-2006
 Alan Bundy, University of Edinburgh, Scotland
 Bob Morris, NASA Ames Research Center, USA
 Mehran Sahami, Stanford University and Google, USA
 Barry Smyth, University College Dublin, Ireland

Important Dates
Paper submissions due       Nov 21, 2005
Notification letters sent   January 20, 2006
Camera ready copy due       February 13, 2006
Conference:                 May 11-13, 2006

Program Committee
Program Co-Chairs:
Dan Wu,       University of Winsor, Canada
Eric Neufeld, University of Saskatchewan, Canada


Adam Zagorecki, University of Pittsburgh

Artur d'Avila Garcez, City University London

Choh Man Teng, University of West Florida

Cory Butz, University of Regina

Eugene Santos, University of Connecticut

Gabriele Kern-Isberner, University of Dortmund, Germany

James P Delgrande, Simon Fraser University, Canada

Laurent Perrussel, UT1/IRIT, France

Love Ekenberg, Stockholm University, Sweden

Mats Danielson, Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden

Marek Druzdzel, University of Pittsburgh

Michale Horsch, University of Saskatchewan

Salem Benferhat, CRIL, France

Yang Xiang, University of Guelph

For Further Information, please contact:

Dan Wu
School of Computer Science
University of Windsor
Windsor, Ontario, Canada

Eric Neufeld
Department of Computer Science
University of Saskatchewna
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan Canada  
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