Apologies if you receive this CFP more than once.
Please note that the submission deadline has been extended to Sep. 15th!


The workshop "Methods for Modalities" (M4M) aims to bring together
researchers interested in developing algorithms, verification methods and
tools based on modal logics. Here the term "modal logics" is conceived
broadly, including description logic, guarded fragments, conditional logic,
temporal and hybrid logic, etc.

   To stimulate interaction and transfer of expertise, M4M will feature a
number of invited talks by leading scientists, research presentations aimed
at highlighting new developments, and submissions of system demonstrations.
We strongly encourage young researchers and students to submit papers and
posters, especially for experimental and prototypical software tools which
are related to modal logics.

Invited speakers:
   François Laroussinie, ENS Cachan and CNRS
   Martin Lange, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität
   Wim Martens, Hasselt University
   Boris Motik, Universität Karlsruhe
   Boris Konev, University of Liverpool
   Uwe Scheffler, Humboldt Universität

   Regular papers should not exceed the length of 12 pages; short papers are
up to six pages of length, and posters and tools can be presented on two
pages of text. Proceedings will appear online and as a Humboldt university
report. Depending on the submissions, papers may be selected to appear in a
special issue of an appropriate journal.
Submission is by internet or email. You can (preferrably) upload your
PostScript or PDF contribution to the address
http://www.easychair.org/M4M-4/submit/ or (alternatively) send it to

   The workshop will take place in Berlin - Adlershof, Germany, which is one
of the worlds largest science and technology areas, comprising twelve
research institutes, six faculties of the Humboldt University of Berlin, and
more than 370 high tech companies. It is hosted by FIRST, the Fraunhofer
Institute of Computer Architecture and Software Technology, in collaboration
with the computer science institute of Humboldt University.

For more information and registration information, see the M4M homepage at

  Deadline for submissions: September 15th, 2005 (extended!)
  Notification: October 17, 2005
  Camera ready versions: November 8, 2005
  Workshop dates: December 1-2, 2005

The program committee for M4M consists of
   Holger Schlingloff, Humboldt University / FIRST (local organizations);
   Carlos Areces, INRIA Lorraine;
   Patrick Blackburn, INRIA Lorraine;
   Torben Brauner, Roskilde University;
   Stephane Demri, ENS de Cachan;
   Enrico Franconi, Free University of Bolzano;
   Rajeev Gore, Australian National University;
   Ian Horrocks, University of Manchester;
   Joost-Pieter Katoen, RWTH Aachen;
   Maarten de Rijke, University of Amsterdam;
   Renate Schmidt, University of Manchester; and
   Frank Wolter, University of Liverpool.

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