DP-SLAM Release 0.1

                            Austin Eliazar

                             Ronald Parr

We are pleased to announce the availability of source code for DP-SLAM.

DP-SLAM is an algorithm for efficient Simultaneous Localization and
Mapping (SLAM).  DP-SLAM produces extremely high resolution maps and
is accurate enough to map many domains with only a single pass over
the sensor data, and no explicit loop closing or correction routines.

Although this is a 0.1 release, it contains the most recent, as yet
unpublished, advances in the DP-SLAM framework.

The version of DP-SLAM used in this code has asymptotic complexity of
O(AP) per iteration, where A is the area swept out by your laser range
finder, and P is the number of particles assigned to DP-SLAM's
particle filter.  This is the same asymptotic complexity as pure
localization with a known map.  However, DP-SLAM does have a much
larger constant factor than pure localization and may require more
particles than pure localization.  The most recent published version
of DP-SLAM has asymptotic complexity of O(AP^2).

The code also includes a new hierarchical mapping capability that
significantly reduces drift over long robot trajectories.

For details and code, please visit the DP-SLAM web page:


Ron Parr, Assistant Professor
Department of Computer Science, Duke University, Durham, NC 27708-0129
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