With apologies for multiple copies.
******************************************************************** THE TWENTY-FIRST INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON UNCERTAINTY IN ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (UAI-05) 2nd CALL FOR PARTICIPATION July 26-29, 2005 Edinburgh, Scotland EARLY REGISTRATION DEADLINE FRIDAY MAY 28TH ACCOMODATION BOOKING DEADLINE 13TH JUNE ********************************************************************* The Twenty First International Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI-05) will be held in Edinburgh, Scotland on July 26-29, 2005 at the University of Edinburgh. UAI is collocated with IJCAI-05 which starts immediately after on July 29th. More details about conference program, including information about the invited talks, tutorials, and technical papers are available on the conference website http://www.cs.toronto.edu/uai2005/. ================== REGISTRATION INFO ================== Early-registration closes May 28th. The early registration fee is $300 U.S. ($200 for students). After May 28, 2005, the price increases to $400 ($300 for students). To register, follow the instructions on the registration site: http://pos.brightdoc.com/uai2005 =================== ACCOMMODATIONS INFO =================== Edinburgh, Scotland's capital city, is one of the greenest and architecturally most beautiful cities in Northern Europe. It is rich in architecture, social, cultural, learning and sporting facilities. Please note that the UAI conference is taking place just before the festivals start in the peak tourist season. We *STRONGLY* advise attendees to book flights and hotels as soon as possible. Accommodation is booked via the Edinburgh Conference Bureau, which can only guarantee accommodation bookings made before 13th June 2005. Fahiem Bacchus, Max Chickering, Tommi Jaakkola, and Chris Williams Conference Organizers UAI 2005 _______________________________________________ uai mailing list uai@ENGR.ORST.EDU https://secure.engr.oregonstate.edu/mailman/listinfo/uai