[ Apologies for multiple postings ]
------------------------------------------------------------------ International Conference on Machine
Tozeur, Tunisia, November 5-7, 2005 http://www.acidca-icmi2005.org Pleanary sessions, invited talks, workshops,
tutorials, special sessions and special events are announced on the
conference web site http://www.acidca-icmi2005.org
ACIDCA-ICMI'2005 will be organized into five tracks
focusing on theory, implementation and applications.
The tracks are: * CI : Computational Intelligence * IC : Intelligent Control * IDA : Intelligent Data Analysis * IPA : Intelligent Pattern Analysis * ISA : Intelligent Systems Architectures The venue for the ACIDCA-ICMI'2005 Conference will
be Tozeur, Tunisia < http://www.tourismtunisia.com/togo/tozeur/tozeur.html >. Tozeur a prosperous town, was once, in its oases
and mountains, one of the Roman outposts named “Thusuros” and a stopping point
for the caravans coming from the sub Sahara to trade with the coastal cities of
the Mediterranean, it now owes its fame and affluence to the stately palm and
its world renowned dates - deglet nour "fingers of light".
The conference will be held November 5-7, 2005 in
Tozeur in south-western Tunisia accessible by the international airport of
Tozeur. The remarkable architecture of Tozeur, beige sun baked bricks set in
geometric patterns, Moorish arches and high vaulted ceilings and the shops
offering locally woven carpets, Berber jewellery and ornaments, promise visitors
another aspect of Tunisia.
--------------------- Honorary Chairs: J.C. Bezdek (USA) T. Fukuda (JP)
Mo Jamshidi (USA)
Conference General Chair: A.M. Alimi (TN) Conference Co-Chairs: Computational Intelligence: F. Herrera (ES) Intelligent Control: P. Borne (FR) Intelligent Data Analysis: F. Karray (CA) Intelligent Pattern Analysis: S. Raudys (LT) Intelligent Systems Architectures: K. Schilling (DE) Program Committee Chairs: Computational Intelligence: H. Frigui (USA) Intelligent Control: M. Sano (JP) Intelligent Data Analysis: M. Hamdi (HK) Intelligent Pattern Analysis: C.G. Leedham (SG) Intelligent Systems Architectures: A. BenAbdelHafid (FR) Best regards.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IEEE Senior Member HDR, PhD, Eng., Associate Professor REGIM: REsearch Group on Intelligent Machines http://www.REGIM.net University of Sfax, National School of Engineers Department of Electrical Engineering BP W, Sfax, 3038, Tunisia Address: Centre Postal Maghreb Arabe, B.P. 120,
Sfax, 3049, Tunisia
Tel.: +216-74-274-088 GSM: +216-98-66-76-82 Fax.: +216-74-275-595 email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
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