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                          Call for Papers

   International Workshop on Natural and Artificial Immune Systems (NAIS

              Vietri sul Mare, Salerno, Italy, June 9-10, 2005


* Venue
   International Institute For Advanced Scientific Studies (IIASS),
   "E.R.Caianiello", Vietri sul Mare, (SA) Italy.

* Important Dates
   Submission deadline:               March 25, 2005
   Acceptance/Rejection notification: April 25, 2005
   Camera-ready copy of papers:       June 6, 2005
   Workshop Date:                     June 9-10, 2005

* Aims and Scope
The workshop aims at catalyzing the interaction between modelers (computer
scientists, mathematicians and physicists), immunologists and biologists
interested in discussing the information processing mechanisms emerging in
 the functionalities of either natural or artificial immune systems.
The leading idea motivating this event is the attention to the various forms
 of “intelligent thinking” underlying the many attack/defense/adaptation
 strategies discovered in natural systems, such as tumor and virus escape
 mechanisms of animals and humans, or implemented in artificial systems.

This approach may reap several basic benefits of the original cybernetics
 -the emergence of the mind from chemical-physical reactions that can be
 studied and simulated,
 - the use of natural processing mechanisms for solving artificial problems,
 and the cross-fertilization of the natural and artificial research
 environments, -the adoption of comprehensive immune system models in the
 development of new therapeutic approaches.

Possible topics include, but are not limited to:
# Computational Immunology
# Immunological Computation
# Immunoinformatics
# modelling and simulation of immune systems
# model testing and game theory
# biological and immersive learning
# network security and artificial virus attacks
# comparisons between Artificial Immune Systems and other
 biologically-inspired paradigms
# theory and applications of Immunological Computing
# Immunocomputing

* Invited speakers
 -  Franco Celada, University of Genova, Italy
 -  Vincenzo Cutello, University of Catania, Italy
 -  Dipankar Dasgupta, University of Memphis, USA
 -  Doheon Lee, IBM-KAIST Bio-Computing Research Center, Korea
 -  John Timmis, Universityh of Kent, UK

* Proceedings
The conference will feature both introductory tutorials and original
papers, to be published by an international publisher.
See details of electronic submission on the bottom of the web page:
Depending on their content, refereed extended versions of selected
paper will be published on a special issue of either Natural Computing
or Nonlinear Analysis C-series.

* Conference Chairs:
 - Bruno Apolloni, University of Milano, Italy.
 - Alberto Clivio, University of Milano, Italy.
 - Vincenzo Cutello, University of Catania, Italy.
 - Giuseppe Nicosia, University of Catania, Italy.

* Programme Committee:
 - Franco Celada, University of Genova, Italy
 - Dipankar Dasgupta, University of Memphis, USA
 - Marco Gori, University of Siena, Italy
 - Doheon Lee, IBM-KAIST Bio-Computing Research Center, Korea
 - Piero Mussio, University of Milano, Italy
 - Anastasia Pagnoni, Unversity of Milano, Italy
 - John Timmis, Universityh of Kent, UK
 - Henry Linger, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia

* Getting Vietri Sul Mare

* NAIS 2005 Conference Secretariats:
  - Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
    University of Catania,
    City University,
    V.le A. Doria 6, 95125 Catania, Italy
    Phone: +39-095-7383074
    Fax:   +39-095-330094


  - Dip. di Scienze Dell'Informazione.
    University of Milano
    Via Comelico, 39
    20125 Milano, Italy
    Phone: +39-02-50316335
    Fax:   +39-02-50316228

* For additional information or questions, contact
  Alberto Clivio, University of Milano, Italy, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Giuseppe Nicosia, University of Catania, Italy, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Giuseppe Nicosia
Ph.D. in Computer Science                                               Email: 
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science  Tel:   + 39 095 738 30 80
University of Catania                                                   Fax:   
+ 39 095 33 00 94
V.le A. Doria 6 - 95125 Catania, Italy                  

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