With apologies for multiple copies.
Eighth International Conference on Theory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing http://www.satisfiability.org/SAT05/
June 19th-23rd 2005, St Andrews, Scotland
The International Conference on Theory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing is the primary annual meeting for researchers
studying the propositional satisfiability problem (SAT). Located in
the historic town of St Andrews, SAT 2005 will feature technical paper
and poster sessions, invited talks, and the annual SAT Solver
Competition and QBF Solver Evaluation.
We welcome submissions on SAT from any discipline with an interest in the problem, including theoretical, experimental and applied work. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
* Proof Systems and Proof Complexity * Search Algorithms and Heuristics * Analysis of Algorithms * Theories beyond the propositional * Hard Instances ; Random Formulas * Problem Encodings * Industrial Applications * Solvers and other tools * Case Studies and Empirical results
ARTICLE SUBMISSION ------------------
Accepted papers will be collected together and distribued at the
conference in a LNCS volume. All submissions must be 15 pages or less in
the Springer-Verlag LNCS style (http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/authors.html)
All appendices, tables, figures and the bibliography must fit into the
15 page limit. Submissions deviating from this requirement may be
rejected without review. Submission will be in electronic form as PDF
files at http://www.softconf.com/start/SAT05/submit.html
Authors must register the abstract of their papers on the web site
by Feb 13th, and submit their paper by Feb 20th. All submissions will be
reviewed by three membersof the program committee, and may be accepted
for either a paper or poster presentation.
ASSOCIATED SOLVER COMPETITIONS ------------------------------
Associated with the conference are the 2005 SAT Solver Competition
and the 2005 QBF Solver Evaluation. The SAT competition and QBF
evaluation organizers welcome submissions of for both SAT and QBF,
benchmark instances, as well as SAT and QBF solvers. For details see the 2005 SAT Solver Competition web page,
http://satlive.org/SATCompetition/2005, and the 2005 QBF Solver
Evaluation web page http://satlive.org/QBFEvaluation/2005.
IMPORTANT DATES ---------------
Abstract Submission Deadline: February 13
Paper Submission Deadline: February 20
SAT and QBF Solver/Benchmark Submission: February 23
Notification of Acceptance: March 18 Camera Ready Deadline: April 8
Conference: June 19-23
CONFERENCE CHAIRS ---------------------
Fahiem Bacchus University of Toronto, Canada Toby Walsh UNSW, Sydney and NICTA, Australia
LOCAL CHAIR ----------- Ian Miguel University of St Andrews, Scotland
SAT SOLVER COMPETITION ORGANIZERS --------------------------------- Daniel Le Berre Universite d'Artois, France Laurent Simon Universite Paris-Sud, France
QBF SOLVER EVALUATION ORGANIZERS -------------------------------- Massimo Narizzano Universita di Genova, Italy Armando Tacchella Universita di Genova, Italy
TECHNICAL PROGRAMME COMMITTEE ----------------------------- Dimitris Achlioptas Microsoft Research Fadi Aloul University of Michigan Clarke Barrett NYU Paul Beame University of Washington Armin Biere ETH Zurich Ronen Brafman Ben Gurion University Alessandro Cimatti IRST Adnan Darwiche UCLA Alvaro del Val Universidad Autonomoa de Madrid Enrico Giunchiglia Universita di Genova Eugene Goldberg Cadence Ziyad Hanna Intel Corporation Edward Hirsch Steklov Institute of Mathematics at St. Petersburg Henry Kautz University of Washington Eleftherios Kirousis University of Patras Hans Kleine Buning University of Paderborn Daniel Le Berre Universite d'Artois, France Chu-Min Li Universite de Picardie Fangzhen Lin Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Sharad Malik Princeton University Joao Marques-Silva Universidade Tecnica de Lisboa Ilkka Niemela Helsinki University of Technology Toniann Pitassi University of Toronto Steve Prestwich University College Cork Jussi Rintanen Universitaet Freiburg Lakhdar Sais CNRS, Universite d'Artois Karem Sakallah University of Michigan Laurent Simon Universite Paris-Sud, France Stefan Szeider University of Durham Mirek Truszczynski University of Kentucky Allen Van Gelder University of California at Santa Cruz Hans van Maaren Delft University of Technology Lintao Zhang Microsoft Research
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