- Sort by address, and fix column alignment

- Don't label things as localbus that aren't.  Instead, put chipselect
  info at the end of the description for localbus windows.  Note that
  NAND/NOR have their chipselects swapped when booting from NAND, and CS2
  can be either PMC or VSC7385 depending on hwconfig.

- Shrink NAND to the 32K that's actually mapped in the localbus

- Assign an address and size to L2 SRAM.  Remove the similarly named
  but unintelligible "L2 SDRAM(REV.)".

- Remove the untrue comment about L1 stack being mapped with TLB0.

Signed-off-by: Scott Wood <scottw...@freescale.com>
Cc: Andy Fleming <aflem...@freescale.com>
 board/freescale/p1_p2_rdb_pc/law.c |    2 +-
 include/configs/p1_p2_rdb_pc.h     |   22 +++++++++-------------
 2 files changed, 10 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-)

diff --git a/board/freescale/p1_p2_rdb_pc/law.c 
index 0da8300..cb5e7b7 100644
--- a/board/freescale/p1_p2_rdb_pc/law.c
+++ b/board/freescale/p1_p2_rdb_pc/law.c
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ struct law_entry law_table[] = {
diff --git a/include/configs/p1_p2_rdb_pc.h b/include/configs/p1_p2_rdb_pc.h
index 7af4d93..ba7a364 100644
--- a/include/configs/p1_p2_rdb_pc.h
+++ b/include/configs/p1_p2_rdb_pc.h
@@ -331,21 +331,17 @@
  * Memory map
- * 0x0000_0000 0x7fff_ffff     DDR     Up to 2GB cacheable
+ * 0x0000_0000 0x7fff_ffff     DDR             Up to 2GB cacheable
  * 0x8000_0000 0xdfff_ffff     PCI Express Mem 1.5G non-cacheable(PCIe * 3)
+ * 0xec00_0000 0xefff_ffff     NOR flash       Up to 64M non-cacheable CS0/1
+ * 0xff80_0000 0xff80_7fff     NAND flash      32K non-cacheable       CS1/0
+ * 0xff98_0000 0xff98_ffff     PMC             64K non-cacheable       CS2
+ * 0xffa0_0000 0xffaf_ffff     CPLD            1M non-cacheable        CS3
+ * 0xffb0_0000 0xffbf_ffff     VSC7385 switch  1M non-cacheable        CS2
  * 0xffc0_0000 0xffc3_ffff     PCI IO range    256k non-cacheable
- *
- * Localbus cacheable (TBD)
- * 0xXXXX_XXXX 0xXXXX_XXXX     SRAM    YZ M Cacheable
- *
- * Localbus non-cacheable
- * 0xec00_0000 0xefff_ffff     FLASH   Up to 64M non-cacheable
- * 0xff80_0000 0xff8f_ffff     NAND flash      1M non-cacheable
- * 0xff90_0000 0xff97_ffff     L2 SDRAM(REV.)  512K cacheable(optional)
- * 0xffa0_0000 0xffaf_ffff     CPLD    1M non-cacheable
- * 0xffb0_0000 0xffbf_ffff     VSC7385 switch  1M non-cacheable
- * 0xffd0_0000 0xffd0_3fff     L1 for stack    16K Cacheable TLB0
- * 0xffe0_0000 0xffef_ffff     CCSR    1M non-cacheable
+ * 0xffd0_0000 0xffd0_3fff     L1 for stack    16K cacheable
+ * 0xffd8_0000 0xffdf_ffff     L2 SRAM         Up to 512K cacheable
+ * 0xffe0_0000 0xffef_ffff     CCSR            1M non-cacheable

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