Truncated CCs


On 2012.10/25, Manukumar wrote:
> Dear All
> While board bring up in custom board 
> iam getting below mentioned error
> I2C:   ready
> DRAM:  DDR: failed to read SPD from address

It seems you are using a DIMM for your memory (as opposed to directly soldered 
on the board).

Simply put, DDR DIMMs have a small EEPROM which contains data about the device. 
You access
the SPD EEPROM via an I2C address. If the DIMM detection code talks to this 
address and does
not detect correct data, then you have the problem you are encountering.

Since you are using a custom board, you should read your specs or ask your HW 
people about the
correct SPD address.

> I googled it but i am un able to rectify it..
> Please resole ASAP
> manukumar

All the best,

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