Hi guys,
Is there any document describing the process of howto configure u-boot 
depending on the RAM organization, lets say 4x 4Gbs DDR3 Chip making in total 
I found the following lines of code, and if i understand it correctly the 
u-boot for A10 only supports 1GByte. From the A10 datasheet i can see that the 
A10 in fact supports 2GBytes by the use of another Chip Select.  
if(para->density == 256)        reg_val |= 0x0<<3;    else if(para->density == 
512)        reg_val |= 0x1<<3;    else if(para->density == 1024)        reg_val 
|= 0x2<<3;    else if(para->density == 2048)        reg_val |= 0x3<<3;    else 
if(para->density == 4096)        reg_val |= 0x4<<3;    else if(para->density == 
8192)        reg_val |= 0x5<<3;    else        reg_val |= 0x0<<3;

Best regards,Paulo Louro                                          
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