On 22/09/2012 04:39, Troy Kisky wrote:
> The "plugin" command of mkimage can take this
> file as an argument.
> Signed-off-by: Troy Kisky <troy.ki...@boundarydevices.com>
> ---

Hi Troy,

I agree with Vikram that a better explanation of what a plugin is can
help to understand without reading deeply into the i.MX6 manual.

So a "plugin" is a chunk of code that can be called directly by the
BootROM of i.MX processors supporting V2 version of the i.MX header.
In my understanding, this is supported by i.MX53, too. After the plugin
run, the control is returned to the BootROM.

Now that we have some basis, why do we need this mechanism to boot this
board ? Is it not possible to make the same initialization directly in
u-boot ?

In principle, this adds stil some code that is not so easy to maintain.

>  arch/arm/cpu/armv7/mx6/Makefile          |    5 +-
>  arch/arm/cpu/armv7/mx6/plugin.S          |  164 
> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
>  arch/arm/include/asm/arch-mx6/imx-regs.h |    1 +
>  3 files changed, 169 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
>  create mode 100644 arch/arm/cpu/armv7/mx6/plugin.S
> diff --git a/arch/arm/cpu/armv7/mx6/Makefile b/arch/arm/cpu/armv7/mx6/Makefile
> index cbce411..b1fce4e 100644
> --- a/arch/arm/cpu/armv7/mx6/Makefile
> +++ b/arch/arm/cpu/armv7/mx6/Makefile
> @@ -33,11 +33,14 @@ SOBJS   = lowlevel_init.o
>  SRCS := $(SOBJS:.o=.S) $(COBJS:.o=.c)
>  OBJS := $(addprefix $(obj),$(SOBJS) $(COBJS))
> -all: $(obj).depend $(LIB)
> +all: $(obj).depend $(LIB) plugin.bin
>  $(LIB):      $(OBJS)
>       $(call cmd_link_o_target, $(OBJS))
> +plugin.bin: plugin.o
> +     $(OBJCOPY) -O binary --gap-fill 0xff $< $@

If we add a plugin mechanism, we can have several plugins (booting
directly from Net, maybe ?). We should then have a general mechanism. A
directory "plugins" here can contain the code, and it is compiled only
if a CONFIG_ is set or better if required from imximage.cfg

> +
>  #########################################################################
>  # defines $(obj).depend target
> diff --git a/arch/arm/cpu/armv7/mx6/plugin.S b/arch/arm/cpu/armv7/mx6/plugin.S
> new file mode 100644
> index 0000000..99c6b20
> --- /dev/null
> +++ b/arch/arm/cpu/armv7/mx6/plugin.S
> @@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
> +/*
> + * Copyright (C) 2012 Boundary Devices Inc.
> + *
> + * Licensed under the GPL-2 or later.
> + */
> +#include <config.h>
> +#include <asm/arch/imx-regs.h>
> +
> +#define HAB_RVT_ENTRY                0x98
> +#define HAB_RVT_FAIL_SAFE_VECT       0xbc
> +#define HAB_RVT_LOAD_DATA    0xc8
> +
> +#define HDR_SELF_PTR 0x14
> +#define HDR_BOOT_DATA        0x20
> +#define HDR_IMAGE_LEN        0x24
> +
> +#define L2X0_CTRL    0x100
> +#define SCU_CONFIG   0x004
> +
> +/*
> + * Disable L2 cache because ROM will turn it on when a plugin is used.
> + * There are cache coherence problems if cache is on when Linux kernel
> + * expects it to be off.
> + */
> +.macro disable_l2_cache
> +     ldr     r1, =L2_BASE_ADDR
> +     mov     r0, #0x0
> +     str     r0, [r1, #L2X0_CTRL]
> +.endm
> +
> +
> +/*
> + * plugin_start(void **start, size_t *bytes, UINT32 *ivt_offset)
> + */
> +plugin_start:
> +/* Save the return address and the function arguments */
> +     push    {r0-r8, lr}
> +
> +/* r0-r2 must be  >= 0x100 and must be 4 byte aligned */
> +     cmp     r0, #0x100
> +     cmphs   r1, #0x100
> +     cmphs   r2, #0x100
> +
> +/* rCPU: 22 - mx6q, 12 - mx6dl, 12|0x100 - solo, 2 - sololite */
> +#define rCPU r2
> +#define rIomux       r3
> +#define rVal0        r4      /* mx6q value */
> +#define rVal1        r5      /* mx6dl value */
> +#define rVal2        r6      /* mx6solo value */
> +#define rVal3        r7      /* mx6sololite value */
> +#define rFlag        lr
> +#define rTable       r8
> +
> +     orr     rFlag, r0, r1
> +     orr     rFlag, rFlag, r2
> +     orrlo   rFlag, rFlag, #1
> +
> +     mov     rCPU, #22               /* mx6q */
> +     mov     r1, #SCU_BASE_ADDR
> +     ldr     r0, [r1, #SCU_CONFIG]
> +     and     r0, r0, #3
> +     cmp     r0, #3                  /* is mx6q? */
> +     movne   rCPU, #12               /* mx6dl */
> +     cmpne   r0, #1                  /* is mx6dl? */
> +     movne   rCPU, #2                /* mx6 sololite */
> +
> +     ldrne   r1, =ANATOP_BASE_ADDR
> +     ldrne   r0, [r1, #0x280]
> +     movne   r0, r0, LSR #16
> +     cmpne   r0, #0x60               /* is mx6 Sololite? */
> +     movne   rCPU, #12 | 0x100       /* Solo */

Ok - until here you have checked which processor is running. Now the
more obscure code:

> +
> +     mov     rVal0, #0
> +     mov     rVal1, #0
> +     mov     rVal2, #0
> +     mov     rVal3, #0
> +     ldr     rIomux, =IOMUXC_BASE_ADDR
> +     adr     rTable, mx6_table
> +     b       3f

> +
> +1:   movs    r0, r1, LSR #30
> +     beq     2f
> +     mov     r1, r1, LSL rCPU
> +     movs    r1, r1, LSR #32-10
> +     addne   r1, rIomux, r1, LSL #2
> +     cmp     r0, #3
> +     subne   r0, r0, #1
> +     orr     r1, r1, r0
> +

The reason is to write GPR12 ? But why do we need a plugin for that ? I
do not understand why we cannot do it in the initialization code of the
SOC, as we usually do.

> +2:   ands    r0, r1, #3
> +     bic     r1, r1, #3
> +     ldrne   rVal0, [rTable], #4
> +     movne   rVal1, rVal0
> +     movne   rVal2, rVal0
> +     movne   rVal3, rVal0
> +     subnes  r0, r0, #1
> +     ldrne   rVal1, [rTable], #4
> +     movne   rVal2, rVal1
> +     movne   rVal3, rVal1
> +     subnes  r0, r0, #1
> +     ldrne   rVal2, [rTable], #4
> +     ldrne   rVal3, [rTable], #4
> +
> +     mov     r0, rVal0
> +     cmp     rCPU, #22
> +     movne   r0, rVal1
> +     cmpne   rCPU, #12
> +     movne   r0, rVal2
> +     cmpne   rCPU, #12|0x100
> +     movne   r0, rVal3
> +     cmp     r1, #0
> +     strne   r0, [r1]
> +3:   ldr     r1, [rTable], #4
> +     cmp     r1, #0
> +     bne     1b
> +
> +     tst     rFlag, #3
> +     bne     4f              /* Branch if not called as plugin */
> +/* Align end of table to 64 byte boundary */
> +     sub     rTable, rTable, #1
> +     orr     rTable, rTable, #0x3f
> +     add     rTable, rTable, #1
> +     ldr     r2, [rTable, #HDR_SELF_PTR]
> +     ldr     r0, [rTable, #HDR_BOOT_DATA]
> +     ldr     r1, [rTable, #HDR_IMAGE_LEN]
> +     sub     rTable, r2, r0
> +     mov     r2, r0
> +     mov     r3, r1
> +     mov     r4, #0
> +     push    {r0-r4}
> +     mov     r0, #HAB_RVT_LOAD_DATA
> +     ldr     r4, [r0]
> +     mov     r0, sp
> +     add     r1, sp, #4
> +     add     r2, sp, #8
> +     blx     r4

Sorry, I need help to understand this code

> +
> +     disable_l2_cache
> +     pop     {r4, r5}
> +     add     sp, sp, #12
> +     pop     {r0-r3}
> +/*
> + * Before returning to ROM, we need to fill the return values arguments
> + * to our function.
> + * plugin_start(void **start, size_t *bytes, UINT32 *ivt_offset)

As the i.MX and the API suggest, it should be possible to write C code
for a plugin. Or am I wrong ?

> diff --git a/arch/arm/include/asm/arch-mx6/imx-regs.h 
> b/arch/arm/include/asm/arch-mx6/imx-regs.h
> index 8834c59..5c133b2 100644
> --- a/arch/arm/include/asm/arch-mx6/imx-regs.h
> +++ b/arch/arm/include/asm/arch-mx6/imx-regs.h
> @@ -48,6 +48,7 @@
>  #define GLOBAL_TIMER_BASE_ADDR          0x00A00200
>  #define PRIVATE_TIMERS_WD_BASE_ADDR     0x00A00600
>  #define IC_DISTRIBUTOR_BASE_ADDR        0x00A01000
> +#define L2_BASE_ADDR                    0x00A02000
>  #define GPV0_BASE_ADDR                  0x00B00000
>  #define GPV1_BASE_ADDR                  0x00C00000
>  #define PCIE_ARB_BASE_ADDR              0x01000000

This is useful in any case. I suggest you put this define in a separate
patch, that can flow independently into mainline.

Best regards,
Stefano Babic

DENX Software Engineering GmbH,     MD: Wolfgang Denk & Detlev Zundel
HRB 165235 Munich, Office: Kirchenstr.5, D-82194 Groebenzell, Germany
Phone: +49-8142-66989-53 Fax: +49-8142-66989-80 Email: sba...@denx.de
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