Hi Stephen,

> On 08/24/2012 02:13 AM, Lukasz Majewski wrote:
> > The restoration of GPT table (both primary and secondary) is now
> > possible. Simple GUID generation is supported.
> > diff --git a/include/part.h b/include/part.h
> > +int set_gpt_table(block_dev_desc_t *dev_desc,
> > +              int parts, unsigned int *blocks, char *name[]);
> That interface seems very limiting; what if you want to select
> specific type UUIDs, set the partition attributes, leave gaps between
> the partitions, have the physical order of partitions (their block
> numbers) be different to the partition table ordering, etc.
> I wonder if it wouldn't be better to take an array of structures here,
> and have each entry define all the properties of the partition. That
> would allow fields to be added to the structure to describe more
> information as we add more functionality.

I agree.

I'd propose following approach:

- set_gpt_table will receive a table with pointers to partition entries
  (up to 128 entries in this table). In this way one can easily define
  partition properties (which can be different for different

- I think, that Legacy MBR, and Primary/Secondary GPT shall be
  generated in the set_gpt_table function. However I expect a problem
  with one Primary/Secondary GPT field
  - the Disk GUID. We can read it from environment, generate it or
  hardcode it at ./include/boards/{target}.h

What is your opinion?

> I didn't review the implementation.

Best regards,

Lukasz Majewski

Samsung Poland R&D Center | Linux Platform Group
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