On 08/24/2012 02:13 AM, Lukasz Majewski wrote:
> The restoration of GPT table (both primary and secondary) is now possible.
> Simple GUID generation is supported.

> diff --git a/include/part.h b/include/part.h

> +int set_gpt_table(block_dev_desc_t *dev_desc,
> +                int parts, unsigned int *blocks, char *name[]);

That interface seems very limiting; what if you want to select specific
type UUIDs, set the partition attributes, leave gaps between the
partitions, have the physical order of partitions (their block numbers)
be different to the partition table ordering, etc.

I wonder if it wouldn't be better to take an array of structures here,
and have each entry define all the properties of the partition. That
would allow fields to be added to the structure to describe more
information as we add more functionality.

I didn't review the implementation.
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