On 08/02/2012 12:10:28 PM, Prafulla Wadaskar wrote:
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Karl O. Pinc [mailto:k...@meme.com]
> > Sent: 01 August 2012 21:13
> > To: u-boot@lists.denx.de; david.c.pu...@gmail.com; Prafulla 
> Wadaskar
> > Subject: Merging the pogo_e02 and sheevaplug code
> > 
> > Hi,
> > 
> > I'm looking at possibly merging the pogo_e02 and sheevaplug code
> > and have some general questions before doing anything.
> > 
> > The pogoplug POGO-E02 (pogo_e02 target) and the sheevaplug
> (sheevaplug
> > development kit) (sheevaplug target) board are very similar.
> > They are arm (Marvell) kirkwood boards.
> > The sheevaplug has 1G of ram the pogo_e02 has 256M.
> > Code-wise, the two boards have slightly different
> > kwbimage.cfg files.  There is something going on in the
> > kwmpp_config[] array, the current pogo_e02 code omits a lot
> > of elements of this array that are present in the sheevaplug
> > but are otherwise identical.  I can look into this myself
> > unless someone wants to hand me a clue.  Finally, there's
> > the board initialization: board_init(void).  The
> > sheevaplug has
> >   gd->bd->bi_arch_number = MACH_TYPE_SHEEVAPLUG;
> > wheras the pogo_e02 does something different
> >   gd->bd->bi_boot_params = kw_sdram_bar(0) + 0x100;
> There are several other custom boards which are clone of sheevaplug
> and u-boot image works as it is for them.
> Does sheevaplug u-boot image boots as it is on pogo-plug_e02?

I'm afraid to try it.  I don't have any jtag hardware.
(If you know of any that will work on Linux for a 10-pin
jtag (probably for OpenOCD -- something on Debian would
be helpful, that will support the cpu).

One reason I'm afraid is that the kwbimage.cfg file from
the factory is different from the stock sheevaplug
kwbimage.cfg.  (It also seems to be different from the
kwbimage.cfg in the current pogo_e02 target.)

FYI, the "example" patch I sent here:
includes the kwbimage.cfg file I've verified against
the factory pogo_e02 values -- except that my file
  DATA 0xFFD01500 0x00000000    # CS[0]n Base address to 0x0
which was not in the original but is in the
sheevaplug's kwbimage.cfg file.  It seemed
a good idea to add this.

The main point of the "example patch"
was to use a different kwbimage.cfg file
while retaining the rest of the sheevaplug

Thanks for the help.

Karl <k...@meme.com>
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