While tuning ext2load, we found that usb_test_unit_ready was being called
every block read.  We compared the usb block storage to the scsi block
storage cmd_scsi.c, and found that the scsi device was only calling its
scsi_setup_test_unit_ready() during scsi_can.  It appears that
usb_test_unit_ready() really only needs to be called once during
usb_stor_scan(), via usb_stor_get_info().   Is there a particular reason
usb_test_unit_ready is called for every block read, or do you think its ok
to only call during usb_stor_scan()?  We're finding this speeds up ext2load
quite a bit.


*James H Shimer*
Motorola Mobility T3-12-HH72
900 Chelmsford Street
Lowell MA 08151
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