Hi Andy,

On Mon, Jul 23, 2012 at 04:11:22AM, Duan Fugang-B38611 wrote:
> With flow control (FCE) feature, it depends on the hardware support.
> I.MX serial Ethernet ip (FEC, enet) can support the features, and it
> don't need to enable flow control in 100Mbps transition in fact.
> As our test result, if Ethernet rx bandwidth more than 140Mbps, FCE
> feature can be helpful to resolve FIFO overruns issue.
> In uboot, Ethernet has no the  similar cases needed so big bandwidth,
> so it don't care FCE feature.


> With fec_open enables full-duplex in TCR regardless of xcv_type, it
> is not reasonable.
> The good method must be use auto-negotiation and check phy duplex
> status,  you can refer to net/mxc_fec.c file.

I agree. I don't have time to fix this right now. Perhaps you or someone else
can handle this. There does not seem to be any bug tracking system in U-Boot, so
I don't know if something specific should be done to report this. Anyway, this
does not seem to be an issue for current hardware using this driver, so there is
no emergency.

I also noticed that fec_eth_phy_config calls phy_connect with
PHY_INTERFACE_MODE_RGMII regardless of xcv_type, which does not seem

Best regards,
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