Hi Andy,

On Fri, Jul 20, 2012 at 07:35:30AM, Duan Fugang-B38611 wrote:
> The changes is reasonable. Thanks!
> Best Regards,
> Andy

The change for MII_MODE is clear.

As to FCE, this can be discussed, and it depends on the hardware support.
Actually, fec_open enables full-duplex in TCR regardless of xcv_type, so a
further change could be to set the FCE bit for full-duplex flow control in
fec_reg_setup regardless of xcv_type, or on the contrary, to make the
full-duplex setting in fec_open depend on xcv_type. In the latter case, RCR[DRT]
could also be set for the half-duplex case.

Best regards,
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