Hi Troy,

is here any specific reason for the "disable_giga" switch in the ksz9021 phy 
driver? We're just having some issues here, most of the times we don't get the 
link up with a gigabit connection. Anything else that caused trouble on your 
side, apart from the PHY ID mess?

:) Kolja

Kolja Schneider, Software Design
MEN Mikro Elektronik GmbH
Neuwieder Straße 3-7
90411 Nürnberg, Germany
Phone +49-911-99 33 5-251
Fax +49-911-99 33 5-910
MEN Mikro Elektronik GmbH - Manfred Schmitz (CTO), Udo Fuchs (CFO) - 
Handelsregister/Trade Register AG Nürnberg HRB 5540
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