Dear Atul Kumar,

>  Hi Marek,
>        Thanks for your reply. I have added the CC to "*u*-*boot*@

Good, you've almost learn how to do it properly! Thanks! :-)

> On Saturday 19 May 2012 08:35 PM, Marek Vasut wrote:
> Dear Atul Kumar,
> Firstly, I'm slightly unhappy how you're deliberately ignoring anything I
> tell you, especially about CCing the mailing list :-(
>   Hi Marek,
>       I have tried to add some code here to enable usbkbd that is below.
> -if (strcmp(stdinname, DEVNAME)) -- > replaced with below code
> + if (strcmp(stdinname, DEVNAME) == 0)
> +                {
> +                       // Can't use this, so set the stdin to usbkbd
> instead
> +                        setenv("stdin", "usbkbd");
> +                }
>  Where is this code, can you generate a proper patch? I can't locate it.
> Also, why not use simple "setenv stdout usbkbd"?

My fault, "setenv stdin usbkbd" obviously.

Best regards,
Marek Vasut
U-Boot mailing list

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