Dear Atul Kumar,

Firstly, I'm slightly unhappy how you're deliberately ignoring anything I tell 
you, especially about CCing the mailing list :-(

>  Hi Marek,
>       I have tried to add some code here to enable usbkbd that is below.
> -if (strcmp(stdinname, DEVNAME)) -- > replaced with below code
> + if (strcmp(stdinname, DEVNAME) == 0)
> +                {
> +                       // Can't use this, so set the stdin to usbkbd
> instead
> +                        setenv("stdin", "usbkbd");
> +                }

Where is this code, can you generate a proper patch? I can't locate it. Also, 
why not use simple "setenv stdout usbkbd"?

> On Friday 11 May 2012 05:46 PM, Marek Vasut wrote:
> Dear Atul Kumar,
> Please CC the mailing list, always.
>  Dear Marek,
>          Thanks for your attention.. After doing "coninfo", i get below
> msg..
> OMAP3 #
> coninfo
> List of available devices:
> serial 80000003 SIO stdin stdout stderr
> usbtty 00000
> 003 .IO
> usbkbd 80000001 SI. -----> these values missing in below logs..
> OMAP3 #
> values changed here..
> OMAP3 # coninfo
> List of available devices:
> serial   80000003 SIO stdin stdout stderr
> usbtty   00000003 .IO
> OMAP3 #
>  tried to do setenv...
>  OMAP3 #
> setenv stdin usbkbd
>  All right, maybe you should fix your method of pasting u-boot output, you
> have every second line blank and a few linebreaks here and there,
> randomly. It'd be cool to fix it, it'd make it much easier to read. Can
> you do something about it please?
>  OMAP3 #
> After doing this my terminal does not prints any logs but i am able to type
> on console..
>  You mean with the keyboard? Because "setenv stdin usbkbd" tells the system
> to read input from the USB keyboard.
>  Here, I am not able to give input to terminal.. No keyboard lights are
> glowing..
> unable to get back to console to type any thing from keyboard. there is
> nothing in console "overwrite_console()" function .. do we need to apply
> any patch here.. please suggest..
>  Once when i reboot the board again the logs starts coming up..
>  Ah ... so you got no console output. Try typing on the usb keyboard. If
> you change stdin to usbkbd, you'd only be able to type with the USB
> keyboard, it won't pick input from the UART/serial port or whatever other
> source you use.
>  I see on "*stdin name- *serial** " .. if instead of serial "*usbkbd*" is
> there it will be able to register the kbd..
>  Unable to change "stdin name- serial"..  to "stdin name- usbkbd" any other
> method.. suggest..
> OMAP3 #usb reset
> (Re)start USB...
> USB:   Initializing OMAP EHCI
> OMAP EHCI init done
> Register 1313 NbrPorts 3
> USB EHCI 1.00
> scanning bus for devices...
> 4 USB Device(s) found
> USB KBD: found set protocol...
> USB KBD: found set idle...
> USB KBD: enable interrupt pipe...
> USB KBD: found set up device.
> USB KBD: register.
> usbkbd
> before stdio register
> clone _dev->name-usbkbd,dev->name-usbkbd
> in stdio register, usbkbd
> After stdio register
>  before strcmp
> stdin name- serial
>  before over write
>  before console assign
>  before error test
> scan end
>        scanning bus for storage devices... 0 Storage Device(s) found
>        scanning bus for ethernet devices... Warning: failed to set MAC
> address
> 1 Ethernet Device(s) found
> OMAP3 #
>  I tried this another way but do not find any change in pri ..
>  Pri?
> [...]
> btw it's a good practice in the mailing list to not top-post (aka reply
> under the email you're replying to). But if you comment on stuff, you can
> do it in the
> middle of the email (just like I did with this one) to better identify what
> you're replying to.
>  this is "pr- print environment variables/settings " or pri or print.
>  Thanks & Regards
> Atul Kumar
> On Fri, May 11, 2012 at 4:25 PM, Marek Vasut <>
> <> wrote:
>  Dear Atul Kumar,
>  Dear Marek,
>          I am tring to bring up USB Keyboard on u-boot with
>          "Beagle_board
> xM ver B"..  found number of post,but the stack is already updated
> one.. I am able to find the info of the connected device but some how
> keyboard does not works..  can you suggest/guide me were i am making
> mistake or where I need to do some device specific changes..
>  Please always CC the U-Boot mailing list (CCed).
> Did you try running "coninfo" after the "usb reset"/"usb start"? What
> does it
> output, do you see "usbkbd" there? Wild guess would be to run "setenv
> stdin usbkbd" or something after you do "usb reset".
>  *logs for "usb start"*
> OMAP3 #
> usb start
> (Re)start USB...
> USB: Initializing OMAP EHCI
> ISION 0x10
> OMAP EHCI init done
> Register 1313 NbrPorts 3
> USB EHCI 1.00
> scanning bus for devices...
> 4 USB Device(s) found
> USB KBD: found set protocol...
> USB KBD: found set idle...
> KBD: enable interrupt pipe...
> USB KBD: found set up device.
> USB KBD: register.
> usbkbd
> before stdio register
> clone _dev->name-usbkbd,dev->name-usbkbd
> in stdio register, usbkbd
> After stdio register
> before strcmp
> stdin name- *serial*
> scan end
> scanning bus for storage devices... 0 Storage Device(s) found
> scanning bus for ethernet devices... Warning: failed to set MAC address
> 1 Ethernet Device(s) found
> OMAP3 #
> *logs for "usb info"*
> OMAP3 #
> usb info
> 1: Hub, USB Revision 2.0
> - u-boot EHCI Host Controller
> - Class: Hub
> - PacketSize: 64 Configurations: 1
> -
> Vendor: 0x0000 Product 0x0000 Version 1.0
> Configuration: 1
> - Interfaces: 1 Self Powered 0mA
> Interface: 0
> - Alternate Setting 0, Endpoints: 1
> - Class Hub
> - Endpoint 1 In Interrupt MaxPacket 8 Interval 255ms
> 2: Hub, USB Revision 2.0
> - Class: Hub
> - PacketSize: 64 Configurations: 1
> - Vendor: 0x0424 Product 0x9514 Version 2.0
> Configuration: 1
> - Interfaces: 1 Self Powered Remote Wakeup 2mA
> Interface: 0
> - Alternate Setting 0, Endpoints: 1
> - Class Hub
> - Endpoint 1 In Interrupt MaxPacket 1 Interval 12ms
> - Endpoint 1 In Interrupt MaxPacket 1 Interval 12ms
> 3: Vendor specific, USB Revision 2.0
> - Class: Vendor specific
> - PacketSize: 64 Configurations: 1
> - Vendor: 0x0424 Product 0xec00 Version 2.0
> Configuration: 1
> - Interfaces: 1 Self Powered Remote Wakeup 2mA
> Interface: 0
> - Alternate Setting 0, Endpoints: 3
> - Class Vendor specific
> - Endpoint 1 In Bulk MaxPacket 512
> - Endpoint 2 Out Bulk MaxPacket 512
> - Endpoint 3 In Interrupt MaxPacket 16 Interval 4ms
> 4: Human Interface, USB Revision 1.10
> - LITEON Technology USB Multimedia Keyboard
> - Class: (from Interface) Human Interface
> - PacketSize: 8 Configurations: 1
> - Vendor: 0x046d Product 0xc312 Version 1.1
> Configuration: 1
> - Interfaces: 1 Bus Powered Remote Wakeup 70mA
> Interface: 0
> - Alternate Setting 0, Endpoints: 1
> - Class Human Interface, Subclass: Boot Keyboard
> - Endpoint 1 In Interrupt MaxPacket 8 Interval 24ms
> OMAP3 #
> Thanks & Regards
> Atul Kumar
U-Boot mailing list

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