On 05/16/2012 05:41 AM, Amit Virdi wrote:
> Hi Scott,
> On 5/16/2012 2:44 AM, Scott Wood wrote:
>> On 05/07/2012 02:26 AM, Amit Virdi wrote:
>>> +    while (num_err--) {
>>> +        change_bit(0,&err_idx[i]);
>>> +        change_bit(1,&err_idx[i]);
>>> +
>>> +        if (err_idx[i]<  512 * 8) {
>>> +            change_bit(err_idx[i], dat);
>>> +            i++;
>>> +        }
>>> +    }
>> Is it normal to not count bit flips in the ECC itself?
> Correcting bit flip in ECC isn't of any use, so we skipped it.

I think it is useful to report that the bit flip happened, so that the
upper layers know when to scrub the page.

> Otherwise also, the ECC and the data area are not contiguous here as
> they are at different parts of RAM so we couldn't have done
>     if (err_idx[i]<  (512+13) * 8) {
> here.

You could still increment the error count.


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