
I am new to U-boot and I am trying to get it to work on the mx28evk board 
(revision D). I can compile U-boot and create an image for the SD-card. When I 
try to boot from this image the serial debug console stays empty. No error code 
is given. When I power the board without the SD-card I get an error message. Is 
this supposed to be a good sign? Is there another way to check, if U-boot has 
started correctly?
I tried todays master branch and limited the maximum RAM size to 128MB as it 
has been suggested by setting:

#define PHYS_SDRAM_1_SIZE               0x08000000      /* Max 512MB RAM */

Can someone please confirm whether or not this should work. Should the serial 
debug console be enabled by default and if not, where I can enable it?

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