
 Please find my reply in-lined.

On Wednesday 25 April 2012 12:58 AM, Andy Fleming wrote:
On Thu, Mar 15, 2012 at 1:44 AM, Prabhakar Kushwaha
<prabha...@freescale.com>  wrote:
+int board_early_init_f(void)
+       ccsr_gur_t *gur = (void *)CONFIG_SYS_MPC85xx_GUTS_ADDR;
+       clrbits_be32(&gur->pmuxcr2, MPC85xx_PMUXCR2_UART_CTS_B0_GPIO42);
+       setbits_be32(&gur->pmuxcr2, MPC85xx_PMUXCR2_UART_CTS_B0_DSP_TMS);
+       clrbits_be32(&gur->pmuxcr2, MPC85xx_PMUXCR2_UART_RTS_B0_GPIO43);
+       setbits_be32(&gur->pmuxcr2, MPC85xx_PMUXCR2_UART_RTS_B0_DSP_TCK |
+                       MPC85xx_PMUXCR2_UART_CTS_B1_SIM_PD);

Based on my previous comments, this would change to&gur->halt_req_mask.

Agree. I will change in next patch version.

+       clrsetbits_be32(&gur->pmuxcr, MPC85xx_PMUXCR_IFC_AD_GPIO_MASK |
+                       MPC85xx_PMUXCR_IFC_AD17_GPO_MASK,
+                       MPC85xx_PMUXCR_IFC_AD_GPIO |
+                       MPC85xx_PMUXCR_IFC_AD17_GPO | MPC85xx_PMUXCR_SDHC_USIM);
+       return 0;

+int board_eth_init(bd_t *bis)
+       struct fsl_pq_mdio_info mdio_info;
+       struct tsec_info_struct tsec_info[2];
+       int num = 0;
+#ifdef CONFIG_TSEC1
+       SET_STD_TSEC_INFO(tsec_info[num], 1);
+       num++;
+#ifdef CONFIG_TSEC2
+       SET_STD_TSEC_INFO(tsec_info[num], 2);
+       num++;
+       if (!num) {
+               printf("No TSECs initialized\n");
+               return 0;
+       }
+       mdio_info.regs = (struct tsec_mii_mng *)CONFIG_SYS_MDIO_BASE_ADDR;
+       mdio_info.name = DEFAULT_MII_NAME;
+       fsl_pq_mdio_init(bis,&mdio_info);
+       tsec_eth_init(bis, tsec_info, num);
+       return num;

You don't need this function at all, as it appears you are using all
standard settings. tsec_standard_init() will set up the driver the
same way as above, and cpu_eth_init() will call that. You only need a
board-ethernet init function if there's something special about the
board that causes ethernet initialization to be non-standard.

I will check this point. if required definitely change the code in next patch version


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