[undeleted Stefano from CC-list]
On 20.04.2012 00:23, Troy Kisky wrote:
On 4/19/2012 2:13 PM, Troy Kisky wrote:
On 4/19/2012 1:18 PM, Timo Ketola wrote:
On 19.04.2012 22:27, Troy Kisky wrote:
On 4/19/2012 1:55 AM, Timo Ketola wrote:
-#if !defined(CONFIG_MII)
- /* configure gasket for RMII, 50 MHz, no loopback, and no echo */
- writew(MIIGSK_CFGR_IF_MODE_RMII,&fec->eth->miigsk_cfgr);
+#if defined(CONFIG_RMII)
While this change seems to make sense, it could break some boards.
Please explain how. Every board using fec_mxc define CONFIG_MII - they have to:
#ifndef CONFIG_MII
#error "CONFIG_MII has to be defined!"
Does every board that has a gasket define CONFIG_RMII?
Our board will be first.
Or are you saying that every board with a gasket is already broken?
That should be
"Or are you saying that every board using a reduced pin code is alread broken?"
Yes, if there were one. Is there?
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