Hi Marek/Tom,
As I understood correctly.
I would merge my changes in "denx-uboot-arm/master" as "u-boot-tegra/master", where actually I tested my patch, is
pulled in "denx-uboot-arm/master".

Will that work...

Thanks & Regards,

On Monday 02 April 2012 10:02 PM, Marek Vasut wrote:
Dear Tom Warren,


-----Original Message-----
From: Marek Vasut [mailto:ma...@denx.de]
Sent: Monday, April 02, 2012 9:12 AM
To: Tom Warren
Cc: Puneet Saxena; Mike Frysinger; u-boot@lists.denx.de;
s...@chromium.org; li...@bohmer.net; tr...@ti.com;
Subject: Re: [PATCH v8] usb: align buffers at cacheline

Dear Tom Warren,

Marek, Puneet, et al.,

-----Original Message-----
From: Marek Vasut [mailto:ma...@denx.de]
Sent: Monday, March 19, 2012 8:47 AM
To: Tom Warren
Cc: Puneet Saxena; Mike Frysinger; u-boot@lists.denx.de;
s...@chromium.org; li...@bohmer.net; tr...@ti.com;
Subject: Re: [PATCH v8] usb: align buffers at cacheline

Dear Tom Warren,


-----Original Message-----
From: Marek Vasut [mailto:marek.va...@gmail.com]
Sent: Monday, March 19, 2012 7:43 AM
To: Puneet Saxena
Cc: Mike Frysinger; u-boot@lists.denx.de; s...@chromium.org;
li...@bohmer.net; tr...@ti.com; Tom Warren
Subject: Re: [PATCH v8] usb: align buffers at cacheline

Dear Puneet Saxena,

Hi Marek,
I adapted my patch for git://git.denx.de/u-boot-usb.git master
branch. As the build for target "Seaboard" is broken once I
enable USB in Seaboard.h, I am unable to test my changes on "u-

u-boot-usb is forked off the mainline u-boot.git ... tegra stuff
likely isn't pulled there. Simon, can you tell me when this is
gonna be

Simon's USB/fdt patch set will be pulled into -arm first, then
-main, when he adapts the 'panic' putc patchset (implement
pre-console putc for fdt
warning) to meet with Wolfgang's approval. Once that's done
(hopefully early this week), I can submit another pull request to
finally get this series in.

Simon - can we have an ETA?
I'd love to see some ETA on u-boot-arm push from Albert Aribaud :-(
Albert, how're you doing ?

u-boot-tegra/master has the fdt/USB patches, and has been pulled into
ARM master.

We need the cacheline/buffer alignment patch now, to remove the
volcanic spew whenever you do any USB commands.

Can you guys (Puneet&  Marek, and Mike/Simon if necessary) work
together to get this in soon?
Ain't you gonna help us? I believe the patch is really close to be
usable, it just needs some easy debugging, won't you volunteer, it'd
really help? :)
I can apply the latest patch (v8?) and see how much spew is still present,
but I (a) have no expertise in cache/USB issues and (b) have a ton of
patches to apply/push for Tegra2 and (as soon as those are in) Tegra3, so
my BW is limited, and finally (c) this is Puneet's work, and I'd like to
see him complete it (with help from the list).
Well, everyone does. And that's how FOSS works -- you scratch your own itch by
sending a patch, thus helping everyone else ;-)

And hey, my boards don't have caches enabled (yet) so this is low-prio for me.
Sure, if someone has this as a high-prio thing, patch is very welcome :)





I would have to merge lots of changes from "denx-uboot-tegra"
to make it working for "u-boot-usb.git" master branch.
I can send the adapted patch if it's needed.
The problem I see is that there are important USB patches in
mainline, though they are not in -tegra. So the approach I'd
take if I were you would be to rebase -tegra atop of mainline
for yourself and then apply your patch. Does that work for you?


Best regards,
Marek Vasut
Best regards,
Marek Vasut

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