On Wednesday 21 March 2012 23:58:10 Anatolij Gustschin wrote:
> On Wed, 21 Mar 2012 19:50:34 +0100
> Pali Rohár <pali.ro...@gmail.com> wrote:
> ...
> > Hi, can you show me how to fix this? How to correctly use
> > framebuffer?
> Hi,
> Not really. This would be a new project to rewrite U-Boot driver
> for OMAP3 DSS. There is a driver under drivers/video/omap3_dss.c,
> but it doesn't do what we need here. You can try to set
> gdev.frameAdrs to point to another address range in RAM which is
> not used by U-Boot. Then get OMAP3430 TRM and read DSS
> documentation how to configure the display controller so that is
> displays frame buffer data from this address range. Currently I do
> not have time nor resources to rewrite the existing omap3_dss
> driver.
> Thanks,
> Anatolij

Do you think that mapped address of framebuffer is only problem? Why
then framebuffer output on n900 screen working without problem if I
do NOT read framebuffer memory? Problem with garbaged display output
seems happends only for read operations (console_scrollup, negation
of pixels for cursor,...) but not for write-only operations (clear
console, clear line, set black/white cursror, render fonsts...). I
think if there is problem with address space, then garbaged screen
should be also for framebuffer write operations...

Pali Rohár

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