>> My 'fix' as it is now, doesn't fix any real problem. It's not finished yet.
>> As it looks now, it makes the JTAG connection unreliable. Data is getting
>> corrupted when it's read or written. However, the system no longer hangs
>> up itself.
> That IS a progress.

Progress is made, but no completely working solution is found yet.

I've just found out that registers hw_clkctrl_frac0 and hw_clkctrl_frac1 should
be accessed as bytes only. It's in the manual (page 886 and 887), but I
completely missed that the first 10 times. We access hw_clkctrl_frac0 as
a word, though I doubt if this has any serious consequences.

>> I will post a patch when I've found a working solution. It's in my best
>> interest to have it tested and reviewed by you guys, as you understand the
>> clock tree of this SoC a lot better than I. Besides that, I'd like to have
>> it in the mainline as well, so we don't have to maintain our patches.
> But we can also test and review the current solution ;-)

I hope I can offer a patch up for review later today, but definitely before the
end of the week.
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