> > From your previous email, it looked like that was proper solution. You
> > can still send a patch so we can test and proceed further in sync.
> I will send it in, as soon as I have a solution that enables instruction
> stepping through this code.
> > What do you mean?
> If my 'solution' doesn't enable instruction, it's not really solving any
> problems and hence not worth anybody's time. Before I send anything in, I
> want to understand why it works, and preferably why it didn't work without
> it.
> > I never said such sentence.
> You said instruction stepping this area isn't recommended, so I concluded
> that many things can go wrong there.
> Cheers,
>         Robert.

Robert ... do you really want to cooperate and help fix stuff mainline or do 
want to keep everyone in blind, make them guess/help you and when you fix 
something, never come back and have the fix only for yourself?

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