On 01/12/2012 12:00 PM, Simon Glass wrote:
> From: Yen Lin <ye...@nvidia.com>
> Add basic i2c driver for Tegra2 with 8- and 16-bit address support.
> The driver requires CONFIG_OF_CONTROL to obtain its configuration
> from the device tree.
> (Simon Glass: s...@chromium.org modified for upstream)
> Signed-off-by: Simon Glass <s...@chromium.org>

Why isn't Yen's S-o-b line here, since he's listed as the patch author
in git?

> diff --git a/drivers/i2c/tegra2_i2c.c b/drivers/i2c/tegra2_i2c.c

> +static struct i2c_bus i2c_controllers[CONFIG_SYS_MAX_I2C_BUS];

I still don't like using the wrong define here, but since I see you
pushing the multi-bus stuff upstream, so I assume you'll come back and
fix this when it makes a difference, so I won't object too much about this.

> +void i2c_init(int speed, int slaveaddr)
> +{
> +       debug("i2c_init(speed=%u, slaveaddr=0x%x)\n", speed, slaveaddr);
> +}

What was the resolution on making this do something correct instead of
ignoring the request?

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