Hi Sughosh,

On Thursday, January 12, 2012, Sughosh Ganu <urwithsugh...@gmail.com> wrote:
> hi Christian,
> On Thu Jan 12, 2012 at 03:04:37PM +0100, Christian Riesch wrote:
>> On Thu, Jan 12, 2012 at 2:53 PM, Sughosh Ganu <urwithsugh...@gmail.com>
>> > On Thu Jan 12, 2012 at 01:03:05PM +0100, Christian Riesch wrote:
> <snip>
>> >>
>> >> Since all my tests were successful I wonder what issues did you have
>> >> with the cache? Can you describe the problems you had? I think the
>> >> difference is that you are booting from NAND and have an OMAP-L138,
>> >> whereas I boot from SPI (on the da850evm) or from NOR (on calimain)
>> >> and have an AM1808 on both boards, right?
>> >
>> >  Thanks a lot for all the testing. One difference i think we have on
>> >  these boards and hawkboard, is that on hawkboard, the rbl configures
>> >  the memory and loads the target image(spl in this case) directly to
>> >  the ram. Looking at da850evm's lds file, it looks like the spl
>> >  gets loaded to the sram, configures dram and then copies u-boot to
>> >  the target load address.
>> This is only true if the SPL is actually used. Have a closer look at
>> my test report, I tested three different methods:
>> 1) The first test was done with the SPL and yes, here the RBL loads
>> the SPL into SRAM, initializes DDR memory and then copies u-boot.bin
>> to DDR memory.
>> 2) The second test was done with TI's UBL. Here, the RBL loads the UBL
>> into SRAM, the UBL initializes DDR memory and then copies u-boot.bin
>> to DDR memory.
>> 3) The third test was done without SPL and without UBL: Here the DDR
>> memory init is in the AIS, so in fact the RBL does memory
>> initialization and then RBL loads u-boot.bin to DDR memory. This is
>> the same case that you have on the hawkboard (only that you have the
>> OMAP-L138 and NAND flash instead) and it works for me regardless of
>> your patch.
>  Yes, the third case is similar to the one used in hawkboard. I'm not
>  sure as to why it causes a problem on my board, though i'm not sure
>  if we can compare the two cases, as we have different rbl's. It
>  could be that the rbl used on hawkboard initialises the caches, as
>  the caches are off by default on reset.
>  Here are the values i use in my ini file for ddr init.
> PLL1CFG0 = 0x15010001
> PLL1CFG1 = 0x00000002
> DDRPHYC1R = 0x00000043
> SDCR = 0x00134632
> SDTIMR = 0x26492a09
> SDTIMR2 = 0x7d13c722
> SDRCR = 0x00000249
> CLK2XSRC = 0x00000000

Just for curiosity, could you please send the full ini file?
Thanks, Christian
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