> > make mx28evk_config? board/freescale/mx28evk
> Are you sure you checked it in? I checked, but I couldn't find it.
> (http://git.denx.de/cgi-bin/gitweb.cgi?p=u-boot.git;a=tree;f=include/config
> s;h=fe894c3b95e3d154264c2f8731b668c410131f01;hb=HEAD)

It's in u-boot-imx tree.

> > Yes, it can go both ways.
> For the SoC I understand. But he PHYs on the Freescale don't, as
> far as I know.
> Anyway, the Denx module probably uses more advanced PHYs.

Different one, I dunno if it's more advanced or not.

> > The PHY doesn't supply clock on mx28evk, CPU does.
> I'm glad we agree here.
> > Yea ...
> > 
> > M28EVK: PHY supplies clock to CPU
> > MX28EVK: CPU supplies clock to PHY
> It's getting rather obvious, now you've given me a bit of insight in the
> differences between both boards. Thanks.

You're welcome

> > Still, the support is already there.
> I figured that too; I expected you probably made that first before moving
> on to the Denx module.

Fabio did (Cced), after DENX module was supported.

Please always Cc the mailing list etc.

> But I couldn't find it.
> At first I thought m28evk_config would support it (too). The similarity in
> names suggests similarity in boards. But after patching too much code,
> I figured to implement mx28evk_config and board/freescale/mx28evk
> myself. What a waste of time.... At least it was a good exercise before
> our product boards arrive next week.
> I just pulled my git repository and Make can't find a rule to make
> mx28evk_config, so it's really not there. Not even hidden in another
> configuration.
> Wasn't it removed, since the Freescale implementation in 2009.08
> broke?

No, see above.

> Robert.
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