On Thursday 22 December 2011 13:16:56 Grant Erickson wrote:
> +#ifndef __HAVE_ARCH_STRNDUP
> +extern char * strndup(const char *,__kernel_size_t);
> +#endif

no space after that first "*", and add a space after the ","

since your definition uses "size_t", then use that rather than __kernel_size_t

> --- a/lib/string.c
> +++ b/lib/string.c
> +#ifndef __HAVE_ARCH_STRNDUP
> +char * strndup(const char *s, size_t n)

no space after that first "*"

> +     if ((s == NULL) ||
> +             ((new = malloc (len + 1)) == NULL) ) {
> +             return NULL;
> +     }

please split this up such as:
        if (s == NULL)
                return s;

        new = malloc(len + 1);
        if (new == NULL)
                return new;

> +     strncpy (new, s, len);

no space before that "("

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