On 01/01/2012 05:31 AM, Xiangfu Liu wrote:
> Hi Scott Wood
> this is the patch I try to add nand spl boot for qi_lb60 board
> this patch works fine under qi_lb60(ben nanonote) but there are three
> 'extern' lines under: nand_spl/board/qi/qi_lb60/nand_spl.c
> those 'extern' lines already in jz4740.h, my question is when I remove
> those three lines under nand_spl/board/qi/qi_lb60/nand_spl.c, it will
> make u-boot-nand.bin break. can't boot the device anymore.

Are you *sure* that's the only difference between the working and
non-working versions?  Could you double-check?

By "can't boot", you mean that it builds cleanly (no errors or
warnings), but nothing happens after power on?

> Please give me some advice how to debug the error.

JTAG?  Serial output?


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