On Saturday 03 December 2011 00:20:19 Christian Riesch wrote:
> The chaos above contains three commands:
> 1) I run the SPL through mkimage to add an AIS header for booting from SPI.
> Since an empty config file (-n) is sufficient here I use /dev/null here.
> 2) I pad the result $(obj)spl/u-boot-spl.ais to $CONFIG_SPL_MAX_SIZE with
> $(OBJCOPY): The result is $(obj)spl/u-boot-spl-pad.ais
> 3) Then I add $(obj)u-boot.bin with cat, the result is $(obj)u-boot.ais

right; i was wondering if we could chain these somehow.  but i guess going 
through intermediate files allows for catching errors that would get missed in 
a pipeline.

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