On Tuesday 08 November 2011 02:32:59 Prafulla Wadaskar wrote:
> On some boards, using mvbge random mac generation is needed since there is
> no eeprom to hold this. Further practically it is not possible to hardcode
> mac address and recompile, nor it is suggested to have any mac/ip/server
> address definition in board config files.
> Random mac address helps to resolve dhcp issues with more similar boards in
> the same network in such cases and will be applicable for any board.
> Your patch is clean to abstract out mac randomization, on the other hand
> you should not remove the support for other boards which are already using
> it.
> May be some more patches on the top to move support in board/arch specific
> files are needed. (if framework can not be entertained)

i'm not the one to convince.  i think Wolfgang addressed these already and 
still said no.

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