Signed-off-by: Graeme Russ <>
./ --no-tree -f arch/x86/cpu/sc520/*.c
total: 0 errors, 0 warnings, 66 lines checked

arch/x86/cpu/sc520/sc520.c has no obvious style problems and is ready for 
WARNING: line over 80 characters
#84: FILE: x86/cpu/sc520/sc520_pci.c:84:
+               if (readb(&sc520_mmcr->pci_int_map[i]) == 

WARNING: line over 80 characters
#90: FILE: x86/cpu/sc520/sc520_pci.c:90:
+               if (readb(&sc520_mmcr->gp_int_map[i]) == 

total: 0 errors, 2 warnings, 140 lines checked

arch/x86/cpu/sc520/sc520_pci.c has style problems, please review.  If any of 
these errors
are false positives report them to the maintainer, see
total: 0 errors, 0 warnings, 40 lines checked

arch/x86/cpu/sc520/sc520_reset.c has no obvious style problems and is ready for 
ERROR: need consistent spacing around '%' (ctx:WxV)
#433: FILE: x86/cpu/sc520/sc520_sdram.c:433:
+       movl    %eax, %ecx

ERROR: need consistent spacing around '%' (ctx:WxV)
#433: FILE: x86/cpu/sc520/sc520_sdram.c:433:
+       movl    %eax, %ecx

ERROR: need consistent spacing around '%' (ctx:WxV)
#434: FILE: x86/cpu/sc520/sc520_sdram.c:434:
+       shrl    $0x1, %ecx

ERROR: need consistent spacing around '%' (ctx:WxV)
#435: FILE: x86/cpu/sc520/sc520_sdram.c:435:
+       movl    $0x1, %edi

ERROR: spaces required around that ':' (ctx:VxE)
#436: FILE: x86/cpu/sc520/sc520_sdram.c:436:

ERROR: need consistent spacing around '%' (ctx:WxV)
#440: FILE: x86/cpu/sc520/sc520_sdram.c:440:
+       shrl    $0x1, %ecx

ERROR: need consistent spacing around '%' (ctx:WxV)
#441: FILE: x86/cpu/sc520/sc520_sdram.c:441:
+       andl    %ecx, %ecx

ERROR: need consistent spacing around '%' (ctx:WxV)
#441: FILE: x86/cpu/sc520/sc520_sdram.c:441:
+       andl    %ecx, %ecx

ERROR: need consistent spacing around '%' (ctx:WxV)
#443: FILE: x86/cpu/sc520/sc520_sdram.c:443:
+       shll    $0x1, %edi

ERROR: spaces required around that ':' (ctx:VxE)
#446: FILE: x86/cpu/sc520/sc520_sdram.c:446:

ERROR: need consistent spacing around '%' (ctx:WxV)
#448: FILE: x86/cpu/sc520/sc520_sdram.c:448:
+       movl    %eax, %ecx

ERROR: need consistent spacing around '%' (ctx:WxV)
#448: FILE: x86/cpu/sc520/sc520_sdram.c:448:
+       movl    %eax, %ecx

ERROR: need consistent spacing around '%' (ctx:WxV)
#449: FILE: x86/cpu/sc520/sc520_sdram.c:449:
+       xorl    %esi, %esi

ERROR: need consistent spacing around '%' (ctx:WxV)
#449: FILE: x86/cpu/sc520/sc520_sdram.c:449:
+       xorl    %esi, %esi

ERROR: need consistent spacing around '%' (ctx:WxV)
#450: FILE: x86/cpu/sc520/sc520_sdram.c:450:
+       xorl    %edi, %edi

ERROR: need consistent spacing around '%' (ctx:WxV)
#450: FILE: x86/cpu/sc520/sc520_sdram.c:450:
+       xorl    %edi, %edi

ERROR: need consistent spacing around '%' (ctx:WxV)
#451: FILE: x86/cpu/sc520/sc520_sdram.c:451:
+       xorl    %eax, %eax

ERROR: need consistent spacing around '%' (ctx:WxV)
#451: FILE: x86/cpu/sc520/sc520_sdram.c:451:
+       xorl    %eax, %eax

ERROR: need consistent spacing around '%' (ctx:WxV)
#452: FILE: x86/cpu/sc520/sc520_sdram.c:452:
+       shrl    $0x2, %ecx

ERROR: need consistent spacing around '%' (ctx:WxV)
#457: FILE: x86/cpu/sc520/sc520_sdram.c:457:
+       movb    $0x11, %al

ERROR: need consistent spacing around '%' (ctx:WxV)
#458: FILE: x86/cpu/sc520/sc520_sdram.c:458:
+       movl    $DBCTL, %edi

ERROR: need consistent spacing around '%' (ctx:WxV)
#459: FILE: x86/cpu/sc520/sc520_sdram.c:459:
+       movb    %al, (%edi)

ERROR: need consistent spacing around '%' (ctx:WxV)
#462: FILE: x86/cpu/sc520/sc520_sdram.c:462:
+       movl    $ECCINT, %edi

ERROR: need consistent spacing around '%' (ctx:WxV)
#463: FILE: x86/cpu/sc520/sc520_sdram.c:463:
+       movb    $0x10, %al

ERROR: need consistent spacing around '%' (ctx:WxV)
#464: FILE: x86/cpu/sc520/sc520_sdram.c:464:
+       movb    %al, (%edi)

ERROR: need consistent spacing around '%' (ctx:WxV)
#467: FILE: x86/cpu/sc520/sc520_sdram.c:467:
+       movl    $ECCCTL, %edi

ERROR: need consistent spacing around '%' (ctx:WxV)
#468: FILE: x86/cpu/sc520/sc520_sdram.c:468:
+       movb    $0x05, %al

ERROR: need consistent spacing around '%' (ctx:WxV)
#469: FILE: x86/cpu/sc520/sc520_sdram.c:469:
+       movb    %al,(%edi)

ERROR: space required after that ',' (ctx:VxV)
#469: FILE: x86/cpu/sc520/sc520_sdram.c:469:
+       movb    %al,(%edi)

ERROR: spaces required around that ':' (ctx:VxE)
#471: FILE: x86/cpu/sc520/sc520_sdram.c:471:

total: 30 errors, 0 warnings, 532 lines checked

arch/x86/cpu/sc520/sc520_sdram.c has style problems, please review.  If any of 
these errors
are false positives report them to the maintainer, see
total: 0 errors, 0 warnings, 93 lines checked

arch/x86/cpu/sc520/sc520_ssi.c has no obvious style problems and is ready for 
total: 0 errors, 0 warnings, 90 lines checked

arch/x86/cpu/sc520/sc520_timer.c has no obvious style problems and is ready for 

 arch/x86/cpu/sc520/sc520.c       |    2 +-
 arch/x86/cpu/sc520/sc520_pci.c   |   16 +++++++-------
 arch/x86/cpu/sc520/sc520_ssi.c   |   43 +++++++++++++++++++------------------
 arch/x86/cpu/sc520/sc520_timer.c |    4 +-
 4 files changed, 33 insertions(+), 32 deletions(-)

diff --git a/arch/x86/cpu/sc520/sc520.c b/arch/x86/cpu/sc520/sc520.c
index 4892c01..3fe85e7 100644
--- a/arch/x86/cpu/sc520/sc520.c
+++ b/arch/x86/cpu/sc520/sc520.c
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ int cpu_init_f(void)
        asm("movl       $0x2000, %%ecx\n"
            "0:         pushl %%ecx\n"
            "popl       %%ecx\n"
-           "loop 0b\n": : : "ecx");
+           "loop 0b\n" : : : "ecx");

        return x86_cpu_init_f();
diff --git a/arch/x86/cpu/sc520/sc520_pci.c b/arch/x86/cpu/sc520/sc520_pci.c
index e26793a..70155a1 100644
--- a/arch/x86/cpu/sc520/sc520_pci.c
+++ b/arch/x86/cpu/sc520/sc520_pci.c
@@ -70,25 +70,23 @@ int pci_sc520_set_irq(int pci_pin, int irq)

        debug("set_irq(): map INT%c to IRQ%d\n", pci_pin + 'A', irq);

-       if (irq < 0 || irq > 15) {
+       if (irq < 0 || irq > 15)
                return -1; /* illegal irq */
-       }

-       if (pci_pin < 0 || pci_pin > 15) {
+       if (pci_pin < 0 || pci_pin > 15)
                return -1; /* illegal pci int pin */
-       }

        /* first disable any non-pci interrupt source that use
         * this level */

        /* PCI interrupt mapping (A through D)*/
-       for (i=0; i<=3 ;i++) {
+       for (i = 0; i <= 3 ; i++) {
                if (readb(&sc520_mmcr->pci_int_map[i]) == 
                        writeb(SC520_IRQ_DISABLED, &sc520_mmcr->pci_int_map[i]);

        /* GP IRQ interrupt mapping */
-       for (i=0; i<=10 ;i++) {
+       for (i = 0; i <= 10 ; i++) {
                if (readb(&sc520_mmcr->gp_int_map[i]) == 
                        writeb(SC520_IRQ_DISABLED, &sc520_mmcr->gp_int_map[i]);
@@ -102,10 +100,12 @@ int pci_sc520_set_irq(int pci_pin, int irq)
        if (pci_pin < 4) {
                /* PCI INTA-INTD */
                /* route the interrupt */
-               writeb(sc520_irq[irq].priority, 
+               writeb(sc520_irq[irq].priority,
+                               &sc520_mmcr->pci_int_map[pci_pin]);
        } else {
                /* GPIRQ0-GPIRQ10 used for additional PCI INTS */
-               writeb(sc520_irq[irq].priority, &sc520_mmcr->gp_int_map[pci_pin 
- 4]);
+               writeb(sc520_irq[irq].priority,
+                               &sc520_mmcr->gp_int_map[pci_pin - 4]);

                /* also set the polarity in this case */
                tmpw = readw(&sc520_mmcr->intpinpol);
diff --git a/arch/x86/cpu/sc520/sc520_ssi.c b/arch/x86/cpu/sc520/sc520_ssi.c
index 3a6a858..cc601e5 100644
--- a/arch/x86/cpu/sc520/sc520_ssi.c
+++ b/arch/x86/cpu/sc520/sc520_ssi.c
@@ -28,37 +28,33 @@

 int ssi_set_interface(int freq, int lsb_first, int inv_clock, int inv_phase)
-       u8 temp=0;
+       u8 temp = 0;

-       if (freq >= 8192) {
+       if (freq >= 8192)
                temp |= CTL_CLK_SEL_4;
-       } else if (freq >= 4096) {
+       else if (freq >= 4096)
                temp |= CTL_CLK_SEL_8;
-       } else if (freq >= 2048) {
+       else if (freq >= 2048)
                temp |= CTL_CLK_SEL_16;
-       } else if (freq >= 1024) {
+       else if (freq >= 1024)
                temp |= CTL_CLK_SEL_32;
-       } else if (freq >= 512) {
+       else if (freq >= 512)
                temp |= CTL_CLK_SEL_64;
-       } else if (freq >= 256) {
+       else if (freq >= 256)
                temp |= CTL_CLK_SEL_128;
-       } else if (freq >= 128) {
+       else if (freq >= 128)
                temp |= CTL_CLK_SEL_256;
-       } else {
+       else
                temp |= CTL_CLK_SEL_512;
-       }

-       if (!lsb_first) {
+       if (!lsb_first)
                temp |= MSBF_ENB;
-       }

-       if (inv_clock) {
+       if (inv_clock)
                temp |= CLK_INV_ENB;
-       }

-       if (inv_phase) {
+       if (inv_phase)
                temp |= PHS_INV_ENB;
-       }

        writeb(temp, &sc520_mmcr->ssictl);

@@ -68,9 +64,11 @@ int ssi_set_interface(int freq, int lsb_first, int 
inv_clock, int inv_phase)
 u8 ssi_txrx_byte(u8 data)
        writeb(data, &sc520_mmcr->ssixmit);
-       while (readb(&sc520_mmcr->ssista) & SSISTA_BSY);
+       while (readb(&sc520_mmcr->ssista) & SSISTA_BSY)
+               ;
        writeb(SSICMD_CMD_SEL_XMITRCV, &sc520_mmcr->ssicmd);
-       while (readb(&sc520_mmcr->ssista) & SSISTA_BSY);
+       while (readb(&sc520_mmcr->ssista) & SSISTA_BSY)
+               ;

        return readb(&sc520_mmcr->ssircv);
@@ -78,15 +76,18 @@ u8 ssi_txrx_byte(u8 data)
 void ssi_tx_byte(u8 data)
        writeb(data, &sc520_mmcr->ssixmit);
-       while (readb(&sc520_mmcr->ssista) & SSISTA_BSY);
+       while (readb(&sc520_mmcr->ssista) & SSISTA_BSY)
+               ;
        writeb(SSICMD_CMD_SEL_XMIT, &sc520_mmcr->ssicmd);

 u8 ssi_rx_byte(void)
-       while (readb(&sc520_mmcr->ssista) & SSISTA_BSY);
+       while (readb(&sc520_mmcr->ssista) & SSISTA_BSY)
+               ;
        writeb(SSICMD_CMD_SEL_RCV, &sc520_mmcr->ssicmd);
-       while (readb(&sc520_mmcr->ssista) & SSISTA_BSY);
+       while (readb(&sc520_mmcr->ssista) & SSISTA_BSY)
+               ;

        return readb(&sc520_mmcr->ssircv);
diff --git a/arch/x86/cpu/sc520/sc520_timer.c b/arch/x86/cpu/sc520/sc520_timer.c
index 05bc9c1..495a694 100644
--- a/arch/x86/cpu/sc520/sc520_timer.c
+++ b/arch/x86/cpu/sc520/sc520_timer.c
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ void sc520_timer_isr(void)
 int timer_init(void)
        /* Register the SC520 specific timer interrupt handler */
-       register_timer_isr (sc520_timer_isr);
+       register_timer_isr(sc520_timer_isr);

        /* Install interrupt handler for GP Timer 1 */
        irq_install_handler (0, timer_isr, NULL);
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ int timer_init(void)
        writew(100, &sc520_mmcr->gptmr1maxcmpa);
        writew(0xe009, &sc520_mmcr->gptmr1ctl);

-       unmask_irq (0);
+       unmask_irq(0);

        /* Clear the GP Timer 1 status register to get the show rolling*/
        writeb(0x02, &sc520_mmcr->gptmrsta);

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