Hi all,

Le 04/11/2011 18:56, Wolfgang Denk a écrit :
> Dear Daniel Schwierzeck,
> In 
> message<CACUy__XY1873+dT-s=-gypebq5hnysmywwt-gxexiwy97ec...@mail.gmail.com>  
> you wrote:
>> Should we change it? is the semantic still the same?
> I'm not sure. At first reading it doesn't look really the same to me.

They are not, at least for ELDK4.2.

The only difference is in -mabi options, where the change would reduce 
"-mabi=apcs-gnu -mabi=aapcs-linux" to "-mabi=aapcs-linux".

apcs-gnu, IIUC, is 'old ABI', while 'aapcs-linux' is 'new ABI', aka 
eabi. Most of the toolchains I see are eabi (ELDK and CS notably). There 
may be 'old ABI' toolchains out there, but I don't think they are old 
ABI either.

Anyway, I've just tried ./MAKEALL edminiv2 with ELD42 and a couple of CS 
toolchains, and nowhere in the log does -mabi=apcs-gnu show up -- the 
gcc invocations only have -mabi=aapcs-linux.

I've also tested making ED Mini V2 with and without the patch but 
without Daniel's proposed change to arch/arm/config.mk, and there is no 
difference in build commands (except that for some reason the patch 
inserts multiple spaces between some gcc invocation options.

Daniel, what do you mean with "does not work correctly"?

> Best regards,
> Wolfgang Denk

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