Hi Mike,

On Fri, Oct 28, 2011 at 6:05 PM, Mike Frysinger <vap...@gentoo.org> wrote:
> On Sat, Oct 29, 2011 at 02:57, Simon Glass wrote:
>> On Fri, Oct 28, 2011 at 5:50 PM, Mike Frysinger wrote:
>>> On Sat, Oct 29, 2011 at 02:43, Simon Glass wrote:
>>>> I am not going to get back to sandbox for a few weeks now - my next
>>>> task is to get it booting from simulated SPI/MMC and see what tests
>>>> can be written against that. It will become clearer then I think.
>>> this is a bit ambiguous ... you want to test booting from SPI flash
>>> and from a card in a MMC slot ?  or you want to test booting from a
>>> card in a MMC slot connected via SPI ?
>> I mean boot by loading some data, etc. from SPI-attached SPI flash and
>> then loading a kernel from an SDMMC-attached MMC card and jumping to
>> it.
> does the spi flash patch you posted satisfy your first part here ?
> after all, the back end shouldn't matter so long as "sf" is able to
> read data out of a file into memory.
> otherwise, i'll try and update the spi flash patch i posted sooner
> rather than later.

Yes it does satisfy that - ATM I can boot through to where it wants to
load from MMC.

> as for sd/mmc, i think you might be on your own there.  i only have a
> passing familiarity with the spec and would have to do quite a bit of
> reading/learning first.  which i'm not terribly interested in doing at
> this time i'm sorry to say.  the patents/licensing the sd peeps have
> in place make that storage medium decidedly less interesting to me,
> although i might suck it up (much further down the line) considering
> it seems to (sadly) be the foreseeable future of storage in embedded.
> -mike

Well that's OK. I had in mind a bit of a cheat (as I did with SPI)
anyway - i.e. this would be pretty trivial.

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