Hi Mike,

On Wed, Oct 26, 2011 at 11:16 PM, Mike Frysinger <vap...@gentoo.org> wrote:
> On Wed, Oct 26, 2011 at 18:54, Simon Glass wrote:
>> This adds simple command-line parssing to sandbox. The idea is that it
>> sets up the state with options provided, and this state can then be
>> queried as needed later.
> i'm not seeing the usefulness of the "state" code

Not yet - for now it just holds the command line flags and anything
parsed from the command line. Ultimately it will hold test state, but
it is early days on that yet.

>> +               "\t-c <command>\tExecute U-Boot command\n"
> i don't think this is necessary.  i simply do:
>    ./u-boot <<<$'bdinfo\nreset\n'
> -mike

Well it's not possible ATM anyway since board_init_f() never returns.

Does your method use an expect script to check that the right result
is obtained?

I am not going to get back to sandbox for a few weeks now - my next
task is to get it booting from simulated SPI/MMC and see what tests
can be written against that. It will become clearer then I think.

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