Am Freitag 07 Oktober 2011, 12:48:40 schrieb Michael Walle:
> Am Fr, 7.10.2011, 10:26 schrieb Prafulla Wadaskar:
> >> -----Original Message-----
> >> From: []
> >> On Behalf Of Michael Walle
> >> Sent: Friday, October 07, 2011 3:53 AM
> >> To:
> >> Subject: [U-Boot] [PATCH] mvgbe: fix network device indices
> >> 
> >> Don't assume that the MAC address of egiga0 rsp. egiga1 is ethaddr rsp.
> >> eth1addr. If there is only a egiga1 device, u-boot will enumerate it as
> >> device 0 and therefore the MAC address is set with the environmen
> >> varibale
> >> ethaddr.
> > 
> > So if there is only one eth port available, the associated environment
> > variable should be ethaddr, this is understood.
> > Is there any issue with this?
> Are you asking me or the list? (if the question was for me, remember that
> there might be _only_ the egiga1 device.)
> > Then I have anther question in my mind-
> > Why not we name eth0addr for environment variable associated with egiga0
> > to maintain consistency with naming and used ports?
> If i get it right, there is another problem with setting the environment
> variable from the driver itself.
> eth_register() and eth_init() using an own index to enumerate the devices.
> Eg. if an e1000 is registered before the the associated environment
> variable would be eth1addr for the first mvgbe device and eth2addr for the
> second.
> This patch only fixes the case where no other network device is
> registered. (The current behaviour just works with egiga0 being the only
> or the first and egiga1 being the second device).

ping :)

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