Simon Glass wrote at Tuesday, October 11, 2011 4:26 PM: > This new option allows U-Boot to embed a binary device tree into its image > to allow run-time control of peripherals. This device tree is for U-Boot's > own use and is not necessarily the same one as is passed to the kernel. ... > diff --git a/dts/Makefile b/dts/Makefile ... > +$(DT_BIN): $(TOPDIR)/board/$(VENDOR)/dts/$(DEVICE_TREE).dts > + cat $< | $(CPP) -P $(DTS_CPPFLAGS) - >$@.tmp
Couldn't that just be: $(CPP) -P $(DTS_CPPFLAGS) $< >$@.tmp > + $(DTC) -R 4 -p 0x1000 -O dtb -o ${DT_BIN} $@.tmp > + rm $@.tmp -- nvpublic _______________________________________________ U-Boot mailing list