Sorry for my ignorance on this issue. My current system (Overo) does this
when it boots:

    ROM Code -> X-Load (MLO) -> U-Boot -> Linux Kernel -> Root File System

Does the SPL patch allow me to do this?:

    ROM Code -> U-Boot (MLO) -> Linux Kernel -> Root File System

Also running the latest X-Loader 1.50 and U-Boot 2011.09-rc1, it takes about
2 seconds from power on to starting the Linux Kernel. My Kernel takes 1
second to load and my file system takes another 1.5 seconds for a total of
4.5 seconds from power on to the login prompt on serial. I assume the
U-Boot-SPL will only speed up the first half of my boot time. If so, how
much of a difference do you think I will see with this patch.


On Mon, Sep 26, 2011 at 7:40 AM, Simon Schwarz <> wrote:

> Stands for Second Program Loader.
> It loads the U-Boot and runs it - or with this patch a Linux Kernel.
> Regards
> Simon
> On 09/26/2011 02:30 PM, Dat Tran wrote:
>> What does SPL stand for again? It looks really interesting.
>> Thanks.
>> On Mon, Sep 26, 2011 at 3:56 AM, Simon Schwarz
>> <simonschwarzcor@googlemail.**com <><mailto:
>> simonschwarzcor@** <>>>
>> wrote:
>>    On 09/25/2011 10:03 PM, dtran11 wrote:
>>        I am trying to make uboot boot as fast as possible for my omap3
>>        Overo board.
>>        I add the below to my config header file. Does anyone see
>>        anything I can add
>>        to it to make the build smaller and faster?  Thank you.
>>    [SNIP]
>>    This may be of interest to you:
>> <**gmane.comp.boot-loaders.u-**boot/108814<>
>> >
>>    But will take some hacking to adapt.
>>    Regards
>>    Simon
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