
Please pull u-boot-ti/master.
I was unable to apply a couple of patches.
I have asked the developers to send updated patches for those.
In the meanwhile can you please accept this pull request.
This set should apply clean on top of u-boot-arm.


The following changes since commit d91dd34bf113e8e23d52e8a5267858ddb07de88c:
  Marek Vasut (1):
        PXA: vpac270: Remove re-defined CONFIG_SYS_TEXT_BASE

are available in the git repository at:

  git:// master

Bob Feretich (1):
      OMAP3 Beagle Pin Mux initialization glitch fix

Christian Spielberger (1):
      beagleboard: enable HUB power on all variants of the BeagleBoard

Eric Benard (1):
      dm3730: enable dpll5

Jason Kridner (12):
      USB: Remove __attribute__ ((packed)) for struct ehci_hccr and ehci_hcor
      BeagleBoard: Added userbutton command
      BeagleBoard: Configure DVI/S-video
      BeagleBoard: config: make mtest run
      BeagleBoard: config: increase command-line functionality
      BeagleBoard: config: add optargs/buddy/camera
      BeagleBoard: config: Enabled multibus support for I2C in configuration
      BeagleBoard: config: updated default configuration
      Corrected LED name match finding avoiding extraneous Usage printouts
      BeagleBoard: fix LED 0/1 in driver
      led: added cmd_led to Makefile
      led: correct off/on locations in structure

Joel A Fernandes (4):
      BeagleBoard: config: hardcode MAC for onboard SMSC
      BeagleBoard: config: use uImage.beagle for tftp
      led: Fixed setting of STATUS_LED_BIT1 when led_name is 'all'
      led: Remove state-saving of led for toggle functionality and add toggle 
option to led command

Joel Fernandes (1):
      ehci-hcd: Allow cleanups to happen gracefully on a timeout.

Koen Kooi (8):
      beagle: pass expansionboard name in bootargs
      beagleboard: add support for xM revision C
      BeagleBoard: turn off clocks in ehci_stop
      BeagleBoard: config: load kernel from MMC ext, not FAT
      BeagleBoard: config: decrease bootdelay to 2 seconds
      BeagleBoard: config: enable networking
      BeagleBoard: config: enable asix driver and dhcp
      BeagleBoard: config: enable DSS

Manjunathappa, Prakash (1):
      da850: add support for Spectrum Digital AM18xx EVM

Nagabhushana Netagunte (8):
      dm6446: disable cache usage due to coherency issues
      dm365: disable cache usage due to coherency issues
      da850: indicate cache usage disable in config file
      da850: add NOR boot mode support
      da850: modify the U-Boot prompt string
      da850: add support to wake up DSP during board init
      da850: fix the channel number for EMAC teardown init
      da850: modifications for Logic PD Rev.3 AM18xx EVM

Rajashekhara, Sudhakar (1):
      dm365: modify boot prompt from dm365 to dm36x

Steve Sakoman (1):
      OMAP: Remove omapfb.debug=y from Beagle and Overo env settings

Sudhakar Rajashekhara (1):
      da8xx: add support for multiple PLL controllers

Syed Mohammed Khasim (1):
      OMAP3: Add DSS driver for OMAP3

Tom Rini (9):
      OMAP3: CM-T35: Use generic MMC driver
      OMAP3: DIG297: Use generic MMC driver
      OMAP3: Zoom1: Use generic MMC driver
      OMAP3: Zoom2: Use generic MMC driver
      OMAP3: pandora: Use generic MMC driver
      AM3517 CraneBoard: Use generic MMC driver
      TI OMAP3 SDP3430: Use generic MMC driver
      devkit8000: Use generic MMC driver
      OMAP3: Remove legacy mmc driver

Vaibhav Hiremath (5):
      OMAP3/4: Increase console I/O buffer size
      omap3:clock: configure GFX clock to 200MHz for AM/DM37x
      omap3:clock: check cpu_family before enabling clks for IVA & CAM
      omap3evm: Use generic MMC driver
      am3517evm: Use generic MMC driver

 arch/arm/cpu/arm926ejs/davinci/cpu.c           |   30 +-
 arch/arm/cpu/armv7/omap3/clock.c               |   17 +-
 arch/arm/include/asm/arch-davinci/hardware.h   |   14 +-
 arch/arm/include/asm/arch-omap3/clocks_omap3.h |    1 +
 arch/arm/include/asm/arch-omap3/dss.h          |  174 +++++++
 board/cm_t35/cm_t35.c                          |    8 +
 board/comelit/dig297/dig297.c                  |    9 +
 board/davinci/da8xxevm/da850evm.c              |  123 +++++
 board/logicpd/am3517evm/am3517evm.c            |    9 +
 board/logicpd/zoom1/zoom1.c                    |    9 +
 board/logicpd/zoom2/zoom2.c                    |    9 +
 board/pandora/pandora.c                        |    9 +
 board/ti/am3517crane/am3517crane.c             |    9 +
 board/ti/beagle/beagle.c                       |  118 +++++-
 board/ti/beagle/beagle.h                       |   87 ++++
 board/ti/beagle/led.c                          |   32 +-
 board/ti/evm/evm.c                             |    9 +
 board/ti/sdp3430/sdp.c                         |    9 +
 board/timll/devkit8000/devkit8000.c            |    9 +
 common/Makefile                                |    1 +
 common/cmd_led.c                               |   73 ++--
 drivers/mmc/Makefile                           |    1 -
 drivers/mmc/omap3_mmc.c                        |  570 ------------------------
 drivers/mmc/omap3_mmc.h                        |  233 ----------
 drivers/net/davinci_emac.c                     |    4 +-
 drivers/usb/host/ehci-hcd.c                    |    1 -
 drivers/usb/host/ehci.h                        |    4 +-
 drivers/video/Makefile                         |    2 +
 drivers/video/omap3_dss.c                      |  131 ++++++
 include/configs/am3517_crane.h                 |   10 +-
 include/configs/am3517_evm.h                   |   10 +-
 include/configs/cm_t35.h                       |    3 +-
 include/configs/da850evm.h                     |   26 +-
 include/configs/davinci_dm365evm.h             |    5 +-
 include/configs/davinci_dvevm.h                |    3 +
 include/configs/devkit8000.h                   |   10 +-
 include/configs/dig297.h                       |    5 +-
 include/configs/omap3_beagle.h                 |   77 +++-
 include/configs/omap3_evm.h                    |   12 +-
 include/configs/omap3_overo.h                  |    4 +-
 include/configs/omap3_pandora.h                |    7 +-
 include/configs/omap3_sdp3430.h                |    5 +-
 include/configs/omap3_zoom1.h                  |   12 +-
 include/configs/omap3_zoom2.h                  |    5 +-
 include/configs/omap4_panda.h                  |    2 +-
 include/configs/omap4_sdp4430.h                |    2 +-
 46 files changed, 970 insertions(+), 933 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 arch/arm/include/asm/arch-omap3/dss.h
 delete mode 100644 drivers/mmc/omap3_mmc.c
 delete mode 100644 drivers/mmc/omap3_mmc.h
 create mode 100644 drivers/video/omap3_dss.c
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