On Thu, Jul 21, 2011 at 07:36:07PM +0000, Clint Adams wrote:
> On Mon, Jun 13, 2011 at 12:51:30PM -0400, Jason wrote:
> > Ahhh, thanks for the clarification.  I'll make sure to do that if there
> > needs to be another revision, or once Linux support is mainlined and I'm
> > submitting for inclusion.
> What's the current state of this?

Dead.  GlobalScale/Marvell refuse to release the u-boot source code, and
the ARM maintainers of Linux aren't accepting new board code until they
unfsck their tree.

So the chance of doing it properly (new board id, proper MPP config,
etc) is slim to none.

The kernel shipped with the Dreamplug is apparently the exact same one
as in the Guruplug.  The Dreamplug u-boot even uses the guruplug
board-id, despite having a totally different flash chip on a different
bus.  The Dreamplug/Guruplug kernel has absolutely no support for the
SPI flash chip compiled in.  Despite the fact that the driver is already
in mainline...

I've had it working, but suffering random oopses and crashes.  I believe
this is due to me guessing at the MPP config (based on other Marvell
boards with same processor / flash chip).  But I'm shooting in the dark
unless I see the source code to u-boot.

It's a shame, because they finally solved the overheating issues.


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