Dear Wolfgang,

On Tuesday 05 July 2011 03:28 PM, Wolfgang Denk wrote:
> Dear Aneesh V,
> In message<>  you wrote:
>> I tried doing the same sometime back for the same need. I had to
>> abandon it because CLZ seems to be added only in ARMv5. And at least
>> one ARMv7 SoC uses -march=armv4 while building.
> Does this setting make any sense, or should we fix that?

Looks like it makes sense. Here is what the comment says in

# Use ARMv4 for Tegra2 - initial code runs on the AVP, which is an ARM7TDI.
PLATFORM_CPPFLAGS += -march=armv4

Even if we could fix this, Rob is adding the API for all 'arm', which I
feel is not correct.

best regards,
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