On Jul 1, 2011, at 7:43 AM, Tabi Timur-B04825 wrote:

> Kumar Gala wrote:
>> Erratum SERDES-8 says that the clocks for bank 3 needs to be enabled if
>> bank 2 is enabled, but this was not being done for SERDES protocols 0xF
>> and 0x10.  The bank reset that was being done for erratum SERDES4 (a
>> left-over work-around that was removed in "powerpc/85xx: remove SERDES4
>> soft-reset work-around") also happened to enable bank 3 (apparently an
>> undocumented feature).  Now that the reset has been removed, bank 3 was not
>> being enabled for these two SERDES protocols.
> Kumar, these two patches should be merged, since the first one breaks 
> SERDES, and this one fixes the problem that the first one exposes.  If you 
> add them as separate commits, then you'll break git-bisect.

Ok, Can you send a commit message for when I merge them or repost a merged 

- k
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